Tuesday, May 10, 2005
.: Living in 48 - Something i hate a.bout hall living :.48. Block 48, Hall 9.
That's where i have been living for the past err... 4 months. Compare to many hostelites, my stay in hall is very short. ( my roomie's even shorter.) Yesterday, i went back to bring back all my stuffs home. That includes two big bags, one ultra thick and heavy chem textbk, one TV and one printer, one pillow and blankets. Hurl them into a cab and drag them home...Looking back, i kinda miss those days in hall excluding the bugs, xiao qiang and lizard. True, there are many wonders of living in a hall ( can escape from parents' constant nagging/can wake up late/socialise and make more friends/can eat tidbits like nobody's business/learn to be independent etc. blahblah blah blah....) but hall living aint perfect either. When it comes to halls, heng/suay factor comes in. if u heng heng enough, u stay in good halls with good location, good food, great conveniences, right lesley? =)
THE TOP Horror of the horrors !!!
#1 You realise that the neighbour living upstairs is the last person you ever want to see aka your "enemy". A lot of effort you have to put in just to avoid this pain in the ass/keep him in the dark that he just lives the same block as you. But there will alway be a v unlucky day when you will meet him at the bus stop and he might even volunteer to help u with ur bag and laptop. *grr
#2 The Creepies Crawlies..are such a common sight in every single corner( especially in hall 8-hall11) . "Xiao qiang" the cockroach and his good pals, lizards may sometime come into the room to pay you and your roomie a surpise visit. Then u will see your roomie screaming and jumping from bed to bed, armed with a rolled-up newspaper, ready to kill it with one blow. Beside your room, there are also big fat lizards lying on the wall at the corridoor to "greet" you. There is also lot of weird-looking-you-cant-really-tell bugs in the bathroom that refuse to fly away even if you spray water on it and worse! During rainy days, the water flies ( a swarm of them) will be hiding in the bathroom waiting for you. eew.
#3 The rainy weather. Yes. Do remember to bring in your washed clothes! Sometime, the weather decides to play you a trick while you are not in hall. Guess my neighbours got so sick about getting their clothes been "washed" the second time by the weather that they decided to let the weather "washed and dried" their clothes for many days.
#4 Beside the occasional Live firing near the forrested area, Noisy neighbours who make a whole load of dins at night and almost every single night without fail. Some of them might be having a few booze inside their rooms and screaming and partying away or you-know-what-on-earth-they-were-doing-and-i-shant-mention-any-further. btw, have i mention that Nanyang Mart starts selling condoms already? woops.
#5 The dirty, sticky, oily pantry.. ooh yucks! The microwave oven are filled with grease and look horrifyingly black. I even heard horror stories before about how guys who want to dry their shoes quickly, chuck their shoes into microwave oven for a few rounds and let the microwave oven do the DRYING. eeewww. So i never touched that before.
#6 When first entering your hall room, you might find yourself choke by the huge amount of dust. *Cough* That's thick layer of dust covering almost every inch of your room. And the dust accumulates very fast too. *Cough cough* And that dust mite infested bed. wooh..
#7 The bloody Hot Singapore weather can make your room a suana. The ceiling fan, even at its highest speed, is not enough to cool you down and worse, it even blows hot air at you! *grr Unless you are rich kid that can get a air con into your hall... woah... Lucky Ass!
#8 Thinking about what to have for lunch/dinner can be a headache sometime and to a fussy eater, that is even a greater headache. Sometime you feel like eating from your fave stall at a far far away canteen, but the thought of walking for a long distance just turns you off. And the canteen nearest to your hall sucks big time. Maybe is best to stay in your own room and have your instant noodles feast.. Dig in! Yea. Kinda unhealthy..but what to do? We lives in a "instant" world where every food can be "instant-fied".
The stressful bunny hanging onto my hall room's door.

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