Saturday, September 30, 2006

No more EM3

Finally MOE has decided to scrap EM3 for good after years of debate. This happen to be the topic of the PW(project work) I did in J1. Definitely a great move and worth applauding.

During my years, many education policies has given rise and then dropped within a short period of years. "Infamous ones " like the scrapping of mother tongue and SAT as a local University entrance requirement on the year we graduate from JC. Wonder how many of my peers went cursing madly about wasting the money to take SAT (for those who dont need them in the end) especially when it costs like 80 bucks per test. I myself wasted 160 bucks! Thats enough to cover my uni textbook fees k? Not forgetting I wasted 6 months taking AO chinese when I actually dont need to in the end.

Oh well.. Still glad that finally our education policy has moved forward one big step and lets hope it will still continue.

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Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Sorry Lah!

Greatest apologies to my friends out there who pop by to read my blog recently. Haven been updating for a month already. I am still alive, kicking fine and also highly active in msn. During this IA period, blogging has became a huge challenge especially my brain is normally not working v well after work. From now, I will try my best to update regularly. =)
