Monday, May 30, 2005
.: Revenge of the sith i watched! :.Today, i finally get my chance to watch my Star Wars! Pardon me if i've begun speaking like Yoda. (Lord Sidious's "my little green friend") and May the force be with you...........
Compared to episode 1 and 2, this is of course the better one. Not a huge Star Wars Fan i am. (ehh.. i better not followed Yoda's way since gahmen wants us to speak proper engrand..opps... english) But at least, i has done some readings about Star Wars and know who's the good and who's the bad.
In this episode, now i know why Darth Vader has to be clad in that black suit and mask. He is afterall about 50% scrapped metals and the rest of his remaining body kinda melted/deformed/disfigured. And since he is barely half alive inside that suit or that suit is too thick and bulky that it's suffocating him inside, that might be a reason why he is always breathing so heavily behind the mask..

If only Darth Vader is that cute.. i might have love him to bits and join the dark side.. muahaha!

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