Wednesday, August 10, 2005
.: Happy 40th Birthday Singapore! :.Singapore turns 40 today (9Aug) ! The moment i step out of house this afternoon, almost everyone on the street wore red (except me.) The National day spirit is in the air..
Although i have never got any NDP tickets before, I have gone for NDP as a performer. And that was 5 years ago during my time in SC. At that time, NDP was also held at Padang since they wanted to have it to be a special NDP for year 2000, the start of a new millenium. I still remembered that fugly costumes(with ultra long "slinky-alike" sleeve, sequined) we used to wear and the "kungfu-like" dance steps. There's also 2 huge lamps that we were supposed to carry while we danced away. It was kinda screwed up during the actual day itself cos the effect did not come out well. From the TV, the camera from the above helicopter shot a "rather distorted sun and stars" as the lamps were too dim. The costumes were too fugly that we dare not take any pictures in case we embarrassed ourselves. The make up we had was quite funny too. My cheeks were red like monkey's butts! and my hair was full of glitter gel.(got quite a bit of problem getting that glitters off.)
During the grand finale, we had to get together and form a shape of our Sunny little island, carrying red/white umbrella. After that was the firework displays right above my head. Woah. The feeling was.. marvellous. It's so beautiful up there in the dark sky. Guess thats when i totally fell in love with fireworks. Soon, it was the saying of pledge and singing of the national anthem. For the first time, i was saying the pledge loudly and properly. At that moment in time, i suddenly felt so immensed in my national pride. I feel so proud to be a Singaporean! So touched that i almost cried. I guess thats why some people wanted to go to NDP.. to feel that sense of identity as a Singaporean truly. The spirit in the air...
Reached Esplanade at about 6. But the place was already quite packed with families. Some families were even having picnic there. There's this Malay family who really brought along a trolley of food and it seems that they had their lunch and dinner there. haha! And many using the Camera tripod stand to "chope" strategic places to capture the fireworks later at 8 plus. Dad who were pointing to their kids and babies the helicopters and the fighter planes and excited kids that shouted "BooM!" whenever the cannon fired. All of us were mesmerized by the fireworks ( 2 times ). Fantastic... =) Unfortunately, the pictures that i took for the firework were kinda blotched up, end up either too exposed or blurry or capturing too much smoke instead of the light. Wahaha.. I thought the ones that i took at last year's Firework Fest was much more decent.
Below were some pictures that i took at the Esplanade..

The NS guys preparing for NDP. Poor boys.

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