Sunday, January 08, 2006
20 to 21
A million thanks to pals who turned up yesterday at my chalet. But not forgetting pals who couldnt make it, thanks for all the smses wishes. It was the best Birthday I ever had.. yeah. 21st birthday supposed to be the best for everyone. Although the best birthday ever, there's still a bit of 遗憾 I must say. Friends whom I wished to see very much didnt manage to turn up... but I still do love them all the same no matter what happened.What I gotten for Prezzies :
1. A Pink/white Adidas Jacket from Uni buddies. I guess you all know best what colour goes for me. Although my Adidas Jacket did not come via boat/plane like Juliana's ME Jacket, at least it still came via MRT/Bus. A big big thanks to u guys and gals.
2. A whole collection of adult, hardcover version of Harry Potter Books from HP and the Philosopher's stone to HP and the Order of the Phoneix. A whole new addition to my HP and the HBP. A million thanks to dear for giving me such a great surprise! But sorry for intercepting you at the mahjong game and cause you to go "bankrupt". I dont mean to steal your "5 Bamboos".
3. A whole set of funky accessories and a handbag from Meimei, Mung and Jiamin (and Tian Hong hehe...) . Deserve a great big thanks and hugs for that and of cos, staying over with me at the chalet and mahjong on the bed all night long.
4. A pair of Sookee diamond ear studs from cousin Jenny. Thanks dearie cousin.
5. A Jimmy's Picturebook from long time OG pals Hongkun and Qiujie. Poor Hongkun took the trouble to brave the rain to drop by at my chalet just to wish me Happy Birthday and pass me the present. Really grateful to them!
6. A cool black Bobbi Brown blotter with mirror from Weilun who couldnt make it for my birthday. Thanks boy!
7. A kawaii flower from Boss Anqi. Thanks gal!
6. An Adidas bag from Dear's brother and sister-in-law. Thanks for taking the troube to help me collect the Lana cake from Greenwood Avenue.
8. A very classical and pretty flora container from Tian Hong. Thanks for sparing some of your precious time for my birthday.
9. Many angbaos from my parents, granny, uncles and aunties. Thanks to all my relatives. A great special thanks for my parents who sponsor the chalet and catering. Papa and mama rox~!

As the clock striked 12 midnight......... I gotten my first Present from dear. Actually not the first lah. Guess whats inside?
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