Tuesday, January 03, 2006
On the 3rd night, we went to Suan-Lum Nightbazaar. A short taxi ride from our hotel in fact. The taxi driver kept irritating us by repeating "seafood...eat seafood? seafood" while on the cab despite the fact that we kept replying "no seafood... No seafood...Dont want seafood...". It's very obvious that the taxi driver wanted to send off to some seafood restuarant which only stupid farangs would go. But somehow we managed to "siam" off later on.Suan-Lum NightBazaar was much much more cleaner, better and more appealing. Most shops closed at 12 midnight and that's when the taxi drivers attempting to "suck the tourist's blood". Haha! Suan-Lum was also quite a nice place to shop, selling those stuffs that would appeal to me rather than those pasar malam nonsense. I bought 2 pairs of dangling earrings at only 20THB when they could have cost me $8 to $10 plus in Singapore. haha.. That's dirt cheap!
After some shopping and eating, we headed for some Thai massage and foot spa/massage. V v shiok especially the 1 hour foot spa/massage (280THB). It's so so so comfortable... even better than the pedicures. Thai massage almost made me scream with pain. Haha! But for the sake of my "mian zi", I had better shut up but it felt very nice after that. woohoo...

Suan-Lum NightBazaar. One of the place sure must visit.
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