Sunday, March 05, 2006
Leisure prawn fishing required much patience... and not outsmart by those clever prawns in the pond. After finished catching the prawns, we headed on to prepare the prawns for..... BBQ. Yes. BBQ the freshly caught prawns on the spot. There were some BBQ pits around and the beer garden provided the fire starter, the charcoals, satay sticks and salt to marinate the prawns. We have to poke the satay stick through the prawn from its tail. Oh yes... the prawns were still alive and struggling. So poking the satay stick into the prawn with their tail still moving up and down was kind of a challenge.Although the prawns were marinated with only salt, the prawn meat tasted really..... great and try sucking the prawn's head.. the prawn paste would ooze out.... Heavenly! Perhaps, another reason the prawns tasted so good was because we caught them by ourselves. Labour of our "hard work"... Haha... One word to describe the whole experience... ShhhiioookKkk... !

DD's first prawn..Yeah. Finally.
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