Sunday, August 13, 2006
Only Auntie Chin, Mei and I represented "the JC friends category". That was really sad when it's only three of us who went up on stage to take pictures with him when his host shouted "Friends from NJC!!!". Well... unfortunately some of the JC friends he invited were away in US. (Mung.. hope this entry will be a good update for you since you are away in US. =P)
The Wedding-style Birthday Party.Nope.. no bride, only the "bridegroom" in his white suit. (Hahaha.. actually the "bride" is in Aussie. Nah.. Just kidding.) He also has 2 emcees that night to help entertain his guests. Oh, btw the 3 of us shared a table with his "elite" NS buddies who eventually left pretty much early before the cutting cake.
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