Monday, October 30, 2006
We came abit late to "chope" the KTV room or pool table at the clubhouse. But thank goodness Dr Lim brought along some entertainment for us - a set of miniature mahjong (See pics below) and a stack of poker cards. Hope Chin's parents wont think we are some kind of die-hard gamblers. Playing the miniature mahjong was really an uphill task for us. You need to have reallie nimble fingers to arrange your tiles, move your tiles and take your tiles. If you are clumsy enough, all your tiles might be exposed. haha! In the end, we got so tired of playing with such small tiles that we gave up. Playing bridge was much easier.
The Mahjong Kakis' motto: "We mahjong anywhere! anytime! but not anyhow!"
Lastly, Best Wishes to Chinchin and Stay giggly always~!
P/s: Wishing in advanced Happy Birthday to Nov Babies (Jan, Bev, My papa and mama, Weide, Ying)!
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