Friday, September 16, 2005
.: Settlers Cafe :.We finally made it for the Settlers Cafe on Wednesday Nite! (Uhmm.. So sorry to put the pics and blog it a little late. hehe.) The usual gang of 8, Weilun, Sotong, Xin Huey, me, Winnie, Xin xin, Yeling and Lesley (The same gang that went to Msia Seafood trip) came down.
We went to the Settlers Cafe's main branch which was near Clarke Quay MRT, opposite Hong Lim Park. The other branch is at Holland V. It's a rather small place, nice and cosy hangout. This was our first visit and so we abit the "gong gong" when we reached there. Haha.. We are totally clueless about the games to play and what food we wanted to eat. Few of us ordered 4 set dinner (soup really pathetic. Only half a bowl?!)and we get 2 hours free. We started playing Monopoly (Singapore Version) ... I guess we should have played those games which we never played before to make our money more worth.
Oh we also have our Swensen Ice cream mooncake feast to celebrate Mooncake fest. Ahaha.. the Cuppicino Cookie ice cream mooncake ( I ate it last year too..) still taste real fantastic!We also have Durian ice cream mooncake (thank goodness the smell wasnt very strong..phew..) Thanks To our Da Da Jie for buying the mooncakes!
After Xin xin and Lesley came, we played The Truth or Dare Version Jenga. Everyone all dying to be honest to tell the truth. But no worries, everything said had contained within the four walls... no one's secret shall be leaked. However, we failed in our attempt to saboh Xinhuey. Sigh.
We played Cranium for one round and end it cos nobody can proceed on. So the guys over at Settlers introduced us to this new game called "Snorta". Well, this game is relatively easy to play. Required memory, speed and your "animal noise-making" techniques. We each choose an animal in the bag and place them in each of our "farmhouse". After all have chosen an animal, we are supposed to make animal noises of the animal that we got. For the first round, Juliana got Pig "Oinkoink!" , Winnie with her Frog " CroaK!" , Lesley with her horse "Neeeiggghh!". Sotong with her snake "SiiSii" , Yeling with her cow "Moomooo!" , Xinxin with her Dog " Woof!" and me with my cat " Meoww!". So imagine the noise that night... After we have gone through one round of who is what and the noise. We hide the animals in the farmhouse and no one supposed to peek! Haha... Then, each of us has a stack of cards. Each cards has pictures of animal on it. And when we each take turn to put down our cards slowly, we have to be alert who put down the same card as you do. Then here comes the speed and memory part, you have to make the noise of the opponent's animal or the opponent make the noise of your animal, depending who manage to recall the animal sound fast. If you are slow, your opponent makes the noise of your animal and you will have the take the cards of your opponent. Mission of this game is to get rid of your cards as many as possible.
Winnie did not seem to have better luck cos she keep getting "croak!" and her cards become more and more. It is not as easy as it seemed to be because of the reaction time. It was truly a game that can give u heart attack! haha..and we have a jolly good time laughing like mad. haha!
We left Settlers early about 920 and a few of us went to the Mac to have a real good chat. All i can say that we all great minds think alike. Haha! =P
Settlers Rox..! But We Rox more!!! Yeah!

At the Settlers. (From Left) "Our Da Da Jie" Weilun (He claimed to be Junyang), Sotong Janice, "Our Da Jie" Jul Shi Xin Huey, Juan, Winnie, Xinxin, Ling. Lesley joined us later.

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