Stress Zone!
.: Stress Zone :.
Stress Zone!
Originally uploaded by momopeachie0701.
The state that everyone is in...Stressed. When everyone around is stressed, everywhere you step around them becomes a landmine, ready to explode anytime.
Dun come disturb me. -_-
.: CH 2001 Biochemistry Examination Tips :.These examination tips are only for those
NTU's A27 peeps in the
Circle of Trust !!! It's a combined effort of the COT and information presented here in this entry shall NOT be disclosed to people outside the COT. What's Not important......- purine and pyrimidine synthesis (from slide 40)
- degradation of fuel cells
- urea cycle
- photosynthesis not as important ( but will come out as 1 to 2 minor questions)
What's Important
Beta-oxidation of fatty acid (know synthesis process and intermediate)
- Overall linking from one process to another
- Insulin
- Find out opposite rxn from tutorial (eg. if in tut anabolic pathway, know catabolic pathway)
- Know end product of Calvin cycle
- Lipid Metabolism
- Linking of pentose phosphate pathway to nucleotide metabolism
- -SH grp of cystine, know what kind (***
essential or non-ess) of amino acid if given name
- slide 8 of last lec notes
Good Luck guys and gals for the coming examinations. Know it's damn xiong this semester but hang in there till 25 Nov...
(like still abit the far hor..) JIAYOU!!!!!
.: Moving on :.
I sense tension, animosity, disillusionment and awkwardness.I sense the support, the encouragement and the motivation.I hate their hostility towards us. But there's one thing for sure,
we must move on and never let them put us down. Never.
The circle of trust... lets prove them wrong. Show them our excellent mug-manship!
.: Official Announcement :.Hihi Peeps, I have changed my blog address to avoid any unwanted attention. I have decided to make it exclusive for people within my circle of trust. =) I will try to update my blog more often.. erm only after exams bah. Anyway, everyone mug hard k? and trash those bloody muggers ( i mean
those outside the circle)
.: I cant stand it anymore!!!! :.There are some people who are just so
desperate to be in a class.
There are some people who have
no friends cos they love their books more than their own friends.
There are some people who think that people who dun welcome them are
Petty and Childish. I think this 2 words
suit this idiot much better.
There are some people who think they are so smartass. In fact they
never use their brains to think when they talk. I rather they
shut their pipe hole up.
(orh u must be thinking of fluids again?)There are some people who are just so KPO. They got all their "resources" wrong. If like to probe so much, go put ur nose into your own shit and smell. So full of shit!These are the same people who will never have one true friend in life cos they are such
a turn off.Okie.. i finish my outburst. Phew** ! World Peace yeah?!
.: Random Rantings:.1. No wonder Jeffrey(Chinese Cinema's lecturer) said engine students engrish no good. How many of u have spotted the mistake when u come in by the back door?

My fourth home....error spotted...
2. Is university life really all about tutorials, tests, quizzes, reports, project? I have not slept more than 5 hours since the start of Year 2.
3. Flu bug is even more dangerous than dengue. Especially when i seat beside two people blowing their nose vigorously into the tissue. 3 people have reported to be down with flu. Have a very strong feeling that i will be the next one cos my nose seemed runny ever since this afternoon. Guys, are your scared of my
"lethal weapon" ? muahaha
4. Technical communications (crap module) screwed up my life and everyone's.
5. XX is revealing too much of his skin.. nope.. flesh.. nope... fats. Stop pretending to be sporty by wearing your sleeveless dri-fit and sports shoes around when you are just a wimp who afraid to get hurt while exercise. It's repulsive lump of fats, NOT muscles okie?
6. I have an insatiable cravings for waffles lately. oh no.
7. Sometimes, "sa-ka" does not help you win over the hearts of your "friends" all the time. It can be a big turn-off. The harder you tried to do that, the greater would be our resistance towards you. Maybe can start by speaking with ur heart and brain and stop all your brainless sa-ka-ing and probing into the class affairs.
8. We are robbed of our freedom to blog. how sad.
9. Can give me some ideas how to celebrate my 21st? At the same time i can provide you all with some ideas of what presents to get me... hahahaha... birthday list will be uploaded soon.
10. I'm knocked out le. bye!
.: Uncle Toby Misadventure :.Yesterday was a terrible day, judging from the fact that I kept meeting into XX. (Now it is not safe to name. So from now onwards, I shall use XX to play safe. haha!) My luck to stay in the same hall as XX, my luck to be XX's Hall neighbour (but XX dont even know till now. Phew!), my luck to be XX's tutorial clasmate... damn. (A27ers, stop laughing at me about the
laptop incident !)
Misadventure #1: At Library 2During the 3 hours break before Maths tutorial, Xin, CH and I went to Lib 2 to do our Maths tutorial and print the Maths Text. By the time Xin and CH came back from the photocopying shop, it was almost time for tutorial but we hanged on a little while to do some bits of the tutorial before going off. Suddenly, XX came into the Reading Room and asked CH...
At 1515 hoursXX: Hi.. Are your going to the Maths tutorial now?
CH: ...Later on. Soon bah...
(Xin and Juan continued looking at tutorial.....)XX: Orh okie... I'm going as well. I thought it's about time so ask you whether you are going or not...
(XX looked at CH...hoping for CH to say the words...)XX: ....... (Knowing that it's a forlorn attempt and walk away...)At 1523 hoursWe packed our stuffs and getting ready to leave.
(Silly CH even tried to use his bag to block XX's view) XX saw us came out of the Reading Room and immediately closed his laptop. The moment we saw what XX was doing, we whizzed off as though we just saw a ghost. Before XX could open his mouth and call us, we had already run up the stairs, heading for the exit. The moment we stepped out of the library, the three of us started burst out laughing hysterically...
When XX finally reached the tutorial room, he was panting quite heavily.. guess he did try to catch up with us... haha!
Misadventure #2: Foc interviewIt came as a shock to see XX outside the interview room, waiting to be interviewed and It's even a greater shock to learn that XX was interviewing for PROGRAMMERS! Haha! No.. If you have thought that i tekan XX, you are wrong! (Even though i very much love to.. ..) But of course before the interview, his fate was already sealed for good. The 2 ACPs from year 1 were warned by us about XX's glib tongue and XX's past history. I put aside my misgivings for XX and let the juniors judged for themselves. XX entered the room and of course didnt seem to be too pleased to know that i was one of the ACPs. Well, as usual he displayed his glib response to some questions that we asked. XX talked about how he "admired" the programmers during the FOC that he went to and how much effort the programmers put in and were appreciated etc. His long winded answer again. XX "embarrassedly" told us that he was the ex-chairperson of the CBE protem. And when we mentioned about the canvassing and the money, XX seems quite reluctant. And after that, he still dare to say " Oh i know hard the FOC this year the seniors paid alot. " !!!! Still have the cheek to mention about this year's FOC. Cock ur head!!! I didnt want to ask XX too much question and let the others to interview him.
I only asked him about 2 to 3 questions.
My first question was asking XX about
commitments especially during the Dec and May- July holidays. And I knew it! XX replied that he would not be free during the Dec Hols as he would be away for overseas holidays with the NTU travel service club where he is the Travel Director. XX kept saying that he would be busy and said that if we need to recce for program's venues, he would not be able to make it. --- commitment problems as usual lor...
My second question was asking XX what other subcomms he would like to join beside the programmers. of course, he said no and only wanted to join the programmers. smart. But since he didnt mention what else he wished to join, then we cant give you another position in other subcomms if no ACPs wants to take him.
When we ended the interview, XX asked about how many programmers we would be recruiting and "kindly advised" us not to recruit so much programmers because he personally felt that the more people there are, harder to control. Of cos, I "kindly explained" to XX that we need the manpower because afterall we do not want to strain our programmers if we have insufficient of manpower and more people to backup after what we experienced this year's FOC. -_- and XX knew he couldnt say much and said " Fair enuff..", left the room. Ha!