.: Kiss of Death :.A good reason to clean your mouth before kissing your partner....
Girl with peanut allergy dies after kissMonday 28 Nov 2005
SAGUENAY, Quebec (AP) -- A 15-year-old girl with a peanut allergy died after kissing her boyfriend, who had just eaten a peanut butter snack, hospital officials said Monday.
Christina Desforges died in a Quebec hospital Wednesday after doctors were unable to treat her allergic reaction to the kiss the previous weekend.
Desforges, who lived in Saguenay, about 155 miles north of Quebec City, was almost immediately given a shot of Adrenaline, a standard tool for treating the anaphylactic shock brought on by a peanut allergy, officials said.
An autopsy was being performed. Dr. Nina Verreault, an allergist at the Chicoutimi Hospital in Saguenay, declined to comment on the case.....
.: Almost a week :.Almost a week since the end of exams. Suddenly there isnt much things to do and no more worrying about exams. Yet, it's so damn bored. Haha! Not that i got nothing to do... well, I am plain lazy. I have been going back to NTU past 2 days for my JLPT 4 preparation classes. Damnit.. seems quite tough but should be able to pass.
Just yesterday while at the Boon Lay interchange, I met into a moronic ah tiong at the 179 queue. Either he was a super stressed up ah tiong professor or he was a super mentally screwed up Phd/master student.
(He looked too old to be an undergraduate.) Guess what this nut do? This ah tiong singing Peking Opera beside me, extraordinarily loud, completed with those "wayang" hand action!!! Eh.... this is not your stage can neither is Beijing hor! As the queue got longer, the more he sang and he was totally engrossed in his performance, oblivious to the stares and glares he got. I was standing at least 1 metre away from him, just in case his very big hand action whack me in my face. Haha! But his singing was way way too loud that even blasting my mp3 to the loudest cant seem to drown his voice. Sigh.... and he continued to sing while on the bus. Bloody Hell!
Initially i wanted to post his photo here but i am not mean enough to do so..... haha!
.: The First day of Freedom is Here! :.Finally a long 3.5 wks of exams, it's time for holidays! It has been a long while since we have such an outing when almost everyone could turn up. Like those "
Mrs Wong's army outing" that we used to have in our year 1...Last Semester we went to NYDC and this semester, we headed to a new place at the newly renovated Marina Square called "
Changing Appetites". As usual, we will take about 10 to 30 minutes deciding which restaurant to go to at the shopping directory. End up we let Weilun and Jul to decide since they were the one most particular about the food. Although we have initially settled for Carls Jr (we have 50 Bucks voucher), we decided to treat ourselves to some good food.
Lotsa Photo-snapping and fun ahead...!

Yeling, Lesley
(eh.. we not depriving u of the food can? dun drool lah.) Jul
( Rubbing her Aladdin Lamp for the "genie" to appear) and Bev...
It took us another 20 minutes to flip through the menu. This restuarant is very Cafe Cartel- like but with the exception that it served quite a few Japanese dishes especially Japanese Curry. Japanese Curry tasted more sweet than spicy and hot as compared to the curry that we normally eat in Singapore. Nevertheless, it does have its own unique taste and Curry chicken Katsu Don is the best! Yummy! Some of us ordered some meat platter that consisted of pork ribs, meatballs etc. I ordered pork ribs (similar to Cartel's St Louis Pork ribs) but it is less tender than Cartel's St Louis Pork ribs. I have a real hard time trying to cut the ribs up. Weilun ordered cheese coated pork ribs and Sotong ordered Curry ribs. Man.. i am hungry again. haha!
Yeling is our class's "food nutritionist" aka our
mouldy broccoli. She has a neverending amount of questions to ask about adipose tissues, fats and metabolism until WC also has to say "dont know" to her. haha!
Winnie, Sotong, Yeling and her two Favourite Broccoli.(thats' her appetizer and her main course...)

Eleanor and the 2 Guys.. Weilun and Cehao. Thanks Weilun for always giving us rides to Jurong Point and home in your Jazz, not forgetting today's trip as well. Haha! Quite a ride today with ur swirling and "drifting" in the Suntec City's Carpark.

To prove that Yeling
DO takes meat. It's a pretty Shocking truth for Lesley
(her jaws dropped)and everyone... Thats such a rare sight because all the time we are seeing her eating plate of veggies or yong tau fu or broccoli. She had also strongly recommended her favourite Broccoli's recipe..
Boiled Broccoli with tuna... eh......
My Favourite Partner in Crime and Gossip, Sotong Janice! (though she's blur at many times) This silly girl is so blur until she asked me after dinner whether we are at Suntec or at Marina Square. All along she thinks that she is at Suntec!!! My goodness!
Guess what Ling trying to do? haha!

She's doing a desperate attempt to cover up Sotong's swollen eyes with a handsign. haha!
The A27 gers Rox!!! (Includes Xin, Jing and Bev who are not in the pic) From left: Sotong Janice, Winnie, Juan, Lesley, Ling, Jul, Eleanor
Hey A27 Peeps, not all the pics are uploaded on the A27 Yahoo group as our storage space hitting quota soon. So i have the full set uploaded on my flickr. =) Have a happy happy holiday!
After finishing the dinner with class, met up with dear. While waiting for him at the Suntec entrance, i saw this really nice Xmas decoration. Finally they decided that they need to decorate this ugly metal bridge for Xmas. Love the
blue lightings and the snow... Thank goodness the messy suspended wires near the site cant be seen so clearly. If not everything is ruined!
.: @ the Esplanade :.Love the view over at Esplanade.... and the very interesting artwork on display. =)

A Big Big Elephant refused to come down the pole... But
aint it cute! hehe!

Colourful Trishaw!
Uniquely Singapore!

Big Big Flip Flop... A very Asian Piece of Artwork

A Huge Piece of Indian Artwork... Pretty Spectacular!

Crowd @ the Esplanade

A View from the Esplanade Rooftop Terrace
Your Personality Profile |
You are dependable, popular, and observant.Deep and thoughtful, you are prone to moodiness.In fact, your emotions tend to influence everything you do. You are unique, creative, and expressive.You don't mind waving your freak flag every once and a while.And lucky for you, most people find your weird ways charming! |
The World's Shortest Personality Test (Taken from sotong's blog)
.: The Winter is Here :.
The weather has been freaking
cold this past 2 days, as though Singapore is experiencing winter. So cold that almost everyone is clad in jacket even at home. I guess when the weather is so gloomy and cold, not only the urge of hibernating gets stronger but also affect our feelings. Been feeling real gloomy today for reasons unknown or... perhaps for too many reasons. The song above just suits the rainy weather and my feelings rather perfectly. There's an extra feel to the song when i listen to it now....
2 papers more to go. Argh! Why still havent end yet? grrrr.... The thermo papers was quite bad. I was freezing in the extremely cold examination room. So cold that my fingers went numb and I cant even press the calculators' buttons properly! I have to press like almost 5 times to get the numbers right. Bloody hell! There's even a question on
refrigeration rate! bbbbuuuurrrrr....
.:Unbelievable :.Finally
4 down,
3 papers left to go.
1 core module,
1 elective and
1 crap open book module.
1 week
2 days to go!
Today was the Biochemistry paper. Stupid WC's tips was 50% unreliable! Evil WC. Wasted my time studying Insulin when i could have spend the time catching on more sleep. Whats worse was the chapter he told us that was "
not important" came out as a big question!
That's not the crappiest. The last question was a real stunner.
" In the movie Jurassic Park, the scientists "engineer" the dinosaurs with a faulty gene so that they cannot synthesize lysine and are dependent on tablet supplements. Why is this silly?" What the *beep*?He can actually link Jurassic Park with amino acid metabolism... *clapclap*. Either he got the inspiration while watching Jurassic Park (
though i have watched the show for N times, i dont remember that the dino was fed with tablet supplements. Only remember the dino feeding themselves with humans. haha.. maybe it's really there.) or he made that crap up.
But thats not exactly the real stunner of the day.
During today's afternoon paper, our school was allocated the seats at one corner of the examination hall. 10 minutes before the start of the paper, everyone was settling down in their respective seats. When I was waiting for the paper to start, somebody drifted past my seat and i looked up, realising it was
AChew. Guess what she was doing as she walked slowly to her seat? She was pointing her middle finger up, righhht... in front of her face and this attracted the attention of the people sitting at the two rows. As usual, she's always up to something crazy and really weird.
And dont ask me why she likes to wear a long dangling earring on just one side. Told u she is
imbalanced. Hah!
Before she settled down in her seat in front, she started shaking the hands of those sitting around her to "wish them good luck"?! But that's not the end of her nonsense.
I later found out from a friend who seat beside her that she was pointing her middle finger
again... during the exams. But this time round, she was pointing and shaking her middle finger .. at WC who was at her table marking attendance. diaO.... my god...
Later, 30 minutes before the paper ended, she started making noise again. 2 invigilators stood around her as though there's some dispute going on. According to my friend, AChew demanded to leave the exam hall early and she just shoved her paper away, then told the invigilators that she "gives up"?! Then walked off shaking her head..... diaO diaO diaO....
Achew always does the darnest things and never fail to stun us. I wonder what's next. *shake head*
.:Just like heaven:.Decided to take a short break from studying and go catch a movie on Saturday.
"Just Like Heaven" is a movie really worth catching although it's a very typical Hollywood boy-meet-girl romantic comedy. Hmm... what mesmerized me in the show
(beside the storyline) is the nice cosy apartment where Elizabeth (Reese Witherspoon) lived and the very "heavenly-looking" rooftop garden. Man... i really love it. Haha! I wish that apartment was mine. *slapslap*
Only Love can bring You back...
.: Happy Birthday to my Dearest Mum and Dad !!! :.
To Dad and Mum... with Loves....11 November...It's my parents' birthday today. How often do you find couples sharing the same birthday? It's such a rarity to have your significant half sharing the birthday with you. My Dad is exactly 7 years apart from my mum! I thought they could have make their birthday even special by making it their wedding aniversary as well. (Well, talking about aniversary, i was born exactly 3 weeks before my parents' 1st year wedding aniversary.hohoho...)
Whenever I told my friends about my parents' birthdays falling on the same day, they will go "woah!" haha! Cos i get to "kill two birds with one stone." haha.. just kidding. But they will never understand how hard it is to decide on the number of candles to put on the cake.
My parents arent the kind who like to celebrate their birthday. Every year, we will just have a simple family dinner fare and sometimes, birthday cake. In the past, they would buy presents and exchanged. They have it simple, nice, short and sweet. Nothing elaborate. Their wishes are simple. Although my parents have never expect anything from me, neither mentioning about any high hopes for me, doing well in my studies is the best present that i can give them. Thanks for your unconditional showering of love. I love you lots, mum and dad. =)
.: Traumatised :.It has been a long long time since i have got the time to sit down in front of my laptop to blog. Though i got no time to blog, I still continue to do some blog-spying whenever I feel so sick from studying
(I always do.) Today has been such a
GREAT..........awful day. I have finally seen the toughest examination that I have taken throughout my 3 semester of Uni life. DARN the god DAmn FLUIDS systems!!!
It's the most traumatising 3 hours paper that I have sit through. 4 questions and not even 1 I am confident about the answer. But at least I was "quite relieved" that i was not the only one out there who found the paper a horrifying nightmare. After the paper, everyone seems so lost and in a daze. Haha! Lets hope all of us can throw away our fluids notes and sell the textbook k?
Oh well, i shant talk about the exams anymore. 3 down and 4 to go.....=) Woooohoooo....
Suddenly there seems to be a lot of people online tonite..msn windows cant stop popping.
Hmmm...Let's think about what I shall do during the holidays. Ahhha! The motivations!
H.o.l.i.d.a.y P.l.a.n :1. Sit down and think of the FOC's games.*To my dearest programmers out there, Your boss llluuurrrvveee u all and dont think you can anyhow go on a strike behind my back hor.2. Japanese Language Proficiency Test3. Bangkok Trip! Yeah... an oversea holiday! Shiok!4. Retail Therapy. Stock up clothes and shoes for the coming semester.5. Planning my 21st birthday and birthday wishlist.6. Catch some.... more.......sleep. *yawn*