Project J

No word can describe the "hardship" (and Panda eyes) behind Project J. Pictures behind the scene are the best evidences. But mission successfully completed after one week of planning + intensive internal emailing + last minutes glitches. Yoohoo!
Labels: Birthdays, Friends
From 5 to 7
GST will be raised from 5% to 7% and details on the effective date will most likely be announced next year on the "Budget Day". "This is inevitable over the next 5 to 10 years. Infrastructure investments will cost money - R&D is to cost $5b over the next 5 years; as medical technology improves, people age and more will go to hospitals to get more treatment, so spending is bound to go up. As we tilt the playing field across the board, the lower income will be getting another boost, not just once in a while. Therefore its better to start building resources now so that when we spend more, we have the means to do so," said Mr Lee. To finance this, indirect taxes or the Goods & Services Tax will have to go up. "It will give us precious extra resources to implement social programmes like Workfare later on. Our aim is to help the lower income groups and the elderly, not to increase their burdens. When we implement the GST increase, it's not just the GST increase, it's the package which will fully offset the impact of the GST increase and begin to strengthen the social safety nets and tilt the balance in favour of the low income groups - we will not just raise the GST but we will have a comprehensive offset package," said Mr Lee. - []The "offset package" to fully offset the impact of GST increase? In the first place, how extensive can the "offset package" reach out to our lower income groups? Pocket is going to gain a 2% increase in weight soon. Shouldnt all of our pay/allowance (excluding the ministerial pays hor..) go up as well in order to "fully offset" the impact of GST increase? Heh.Perhaps a progress package every year would be a sweet deal instead of a one-time thing. Unfortunately, we cant have an election every year. Whats the point of letting us taste something sweet and few months later to find ourselves end up paying double/triple or more for what we got from the package? And It shouldnt be even called a "progress package". It should be called the "Citizen to Payback soon package" instead. Heh. Stupid. Then I damn "loo gi", I wasnt entitled for the Package this year cos I am not yet 21 (on 31 Dec 2005.) Labels: Gahmen, Singapore
Teh Tarik Kosong
Yesterday nite at Jalan Kayu..........
L: Hey CH, help me order Teh Tarik Kosong!
CH: okie!
10 mins later...
CH: eh... no Teh Tarik Kosong leh..
L: Huh? Why dont have?
CH (Giggling away): ohh.. just now when i tell the uncle I want Teh Tarik Kosong, the uncle paused for a while leh.. he said wheregot Teh Tarik Kosong one. Cos Kosong means no milk no sugar and means become Teh-O. You "pull" Teh-O is still Teh-O mah... wahahaha...
Everyone: Wahahahaha....
Now I know..Labels: Funny
A Lesson to Remember
It was Beverly's 21st Birthday yesterday. The time 2nd 21st birthday after last Saturday Chin's party. Just recieved an sms on Jan's 21st Birthday party invitation on next Saturday. Its my parents' birthdays next week too. I think I can proudly declare that spend almost all my Saturdays this month on attending 21st Birthday parties. Hehe. Last Saturday, I was 赌鬼. Yesterday, I was 酒鬼. I guess it all depends on who you hang out with. My JC frens are the gambling lots and the uni frens are the drinking lots. Yesterday, we almost lost count of no. of bottles of red wine we consumed. All I remember that it was bottle after bottle. Thank goodness I stopped drinking after I doze off suddenly. At one time, I finished the wine at one shot and the next moment, i feel sick and dont know why my tummy feels hurt. Hehe. It will be a disaster if I ever get drunk. Poor CH and Bev.. got drunk quite badly. Feel so paiseh. CH passed out in the toilet. According to him, he did not know that he even gone to the toilet! One moment, his eyes had been reduced to "2 slits" and grinning silly at us. The next moment, he passed out and vomitting. sigh. Should have let him stopped drinking and tell him that he was not drinking Ribena. He drank so fast and his cup just kept refilling. He totally lost his consciousness after that. For a moment, he slapped himself on the face.. Bev also puked while taking care of him. This was the first time i saw someone got drunk so badly. The last time was seeing people puking by the drain at Zouk. V common sight.While Bev gone back to rest, we were thinking how to bring CH home and tell the his mum. After he kinda stabilized, 4 guys carried him to Lun's car. The moment we brought him to sit upright, he started puking again. But luckily he puked into the plastic bag. Phew.. he managed to get back home safely finally, all thanks to his good buddy W and Lun.He started calling everyone in the morning to apologise.. haha... I was startled by his call cos i was still sleeping. hehe. He was so relieved after he heard from many people's account that he didnt say any nonsense yst except slapping himself v hard and doing his "pig-tiger" growling (he sometime does that when provoked by us.)Now.. if anyone ever want to drink, always know your limit! and control is the word. Dont drink too fast. o_O
and it's a no no for drinking on an empty stomach.
Labels: Birthdays, Friends
@ Vivocity
I went back to Vivocity yesterday. After my first "bad experience" when I was there 3 weeks ago, I found myself back there again since bf and I have once again ran out of places to go. Vivocity's opening was one of the most hyped up event in our small little island. The largest shopping mall in Singapore, with a surfing theme due to its location facing the sea and of cos, an artificial beach on top of the mall.. However, what i feel was a pity is the location. It's quite off from town. Most shoppers came by NEL. So the Harbourfront Station was packed with crowds and the staffs have to standby for crowd control.The last time I went there, the artificial beach wasnt ready and was only "flooded" halfway. This time, the beach was ready and the kids were ready too.. for their new water playground. Another place to get wet besides the spurting fountain at Bugis Junction. hohoho... The 3 foodcourts (Food Republic, Kopitiam, Banquet) were finally opened and several eateries as well. There's also some nice cafe, facing the sea. The giantic Giant hypermart was really huge and spacious. Giant hypermart + Cold Storage's marketplace (a more upmarket one) + guardian.. wah seh.. almost whole of Dairy Farm Group.
Took some pictures with my Lumix...

Back at Vivocity. The exterior of the vivocity. If not for the haze, sitting at the deck enjoying the sea breeze isnt such a bad idea afterall.
Labels: Chill-out, shopping
Cable cars.. "shrouded" in the haze. Havent taken a cable car for a long long time. The last time was at Gentings.. Its even more scary to take cable car on a mountain.Labels: Chill-out, shopping
This is not a lake. This is a beach. Labels: Chill-out, shopping
Here's the artificial beach. of cos, it is not a sandy beach. No sand. Everyone was sitting at every corners. Many parents were dipping their feet in the water (looking kinda murky) while keeping watch on their kids. The murky water doesnt really look that appealing to me. eew.
The man-made "beach" at the top of Vivocity. I am so tempted to put my tired feet in for a wash.. hehe.Labels: Chill-out, shopping
No Lifeguard. But i dont see security officers anywhere either.Labels: Chill-out, shopping
Cute ! There's many of these coloured fellows around the beach. My favourite is the pink cow (bottom right). Apparently, there's also a few art pieces from the Singapore Bienale that are exhibiting here permanently.Labels: Chill-out, shopping
"Hey Bro.. Seems like the sky looks hazy today..."Labels: Chill-out, shopping