Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The Modern Poison Pen

While surfing the forum, I came across this thread which I find it very disturbing. Not obscene stuffs or whatsoever. But what a female sicko (most forumers believed that sicko who did it was a female.) did.. to impersonate a "friend" friendster account whereby this "friend" has some bad blood with the sicko.

Here's the link to the friendster acct: http://www.friendster.com/user.php?statpos=bc&uid=47626524

See whats on the friendster description.

What even disturbed me further ( hmm.. maybe interest me further) is that it happens right here in my school. And the female sicko and the "friend" happens to be one year my junior. Gosh. I can even recognise our school LT and some of the juniors (guys) in the friendster's photo album.

Faint. This sicko is really sick to go jeopardized her friend's relationship. And very the free hor? I thought the year 3 should be v bz (unless they are in IA). Heh.


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