Sian. Feeling really sian.Now I finally understand how he felt when I was away in Europe... :(And instead of spending my new year with him, I am spending time with my FYP interim report. How sian is that?
12 Days of Indian Xmas
:) I may be wols. But I thot this is really funny. hehe. Three... Butter ... Chicken!
Merry Xmas 2007!
To all my friends out there,Merry Christmas! And Best wishes! Sorry, didnt have the time to blog AGAIN. haha! Messages to Individuals:1. Mei, Jiamin, Mung and Chin: Hey my beloved pals! Sorry that I didnt prepare any Xmas card this year. Wanted to "shamelessly" dig out my old cards, hoping that you wun recognise you have recieved the same card in the past and start writing but ... of cos I didnt as it's not very sincere too. Haha!Anyway, thanks mung for always initiating our group outing and thanks to Jiamin who almost tries to "ruin" our plan (just kidding). And its always fun to have u gals around.. especially when it comes to gossips. Unfortunately Ms Chin cant join us at Hanabi, I thought she would have provide us more juicy gossips. hahahaha.Hope we will have another outing soon before Jiamin flies back to Aussie in Feb. or a class outing will be good (though quite sadly we aint getting any responses from Facebook.)2. Dawn, Ying and Shan:My dearest gals! hehe. Sadly, no xmas xchange this year. But nonetheless, Merry Xmas to all of you! Bet Dawnie mus have lotsa fun in Japan *envious*. haha. Hopefully next year we can resume a christmas meet-up and exchange. Miss you gals and dunnoe when will be the next time we meet again... lalala. :P3. Circle of trust people (you know who you are lah.):Hey peeps! Sorry.. no cards for everyone this year. And unfortunately no xmas exchange and I was hoping someone would organise one.. just like the one we had previously last year. We have so much fun last year, squeezing in so many people in a tiny Honda Jazz and the car boot, and bowling at Safra. Hope that one is not the first and the last. Although the circle is dwindling in numbers, we still have lotsa fun hanging out together as a group and i firmly believe that it's the trust for one another and *food* that bonds us all. Lets hang on together for the last semester and may we all find our desired jobs. And for the short term, uh.. good luck for the exams results and FYP. Cheers!And I Love You guys! :) Bye for now and have a Merry merry xmas again!
Happy belated Birthday to Our Dear Gal
Happy Belated Birthday to Ying! Taken @ Olio Holland V.
What I have Been Doing These Days Part 1

Guess where? Familiar? Yupyup, it's the brand new Changi Airport T3. I have visited their open house last last weekend (haha!). The open house ended officially last week on the 9th Dec. Its was quite a sight and a real eye opener. More pictures right up!
After travelling to a few places, I have came to appreciate a few things about Singapore... and one of these things is Changi Airport. Hell ya, Changi Airport is the best in terms of interior design, facilities, shops and eatery variety and of cos, toilets! I guess I would not have much chances to take SQ flights and roam around T3. So open house was a good opportunity to explore the ground. :)
The Departure Hall and the Checking In counters. This whole place is lit with natural lightings with the help of the specially designed cellings of diffuser(?) or reflector thingy.
The check-in counters. All those are test baggages to test out the baggage system.. Not freebies.I love the reflections!
Entering the restricted areas (transit mall)!

Bon Voyage!
A lot more immigration counters! I did stuck once within the gates cos of my sweaty thumb.
Some massage or resting lounge under construction in the centre of the transit mall.
Brewerkz right up above!
Orchids! Everywhere.. :)
The very spacious boarding area.
The arrival hall
Tropical garden right at the arrival hall
Baggage Area:) By the way, Bon Voyage to those heading overseas this holidays! Labels: Holidays, Photos