Thursday, July 28, 2005

.: It's always money again..:.

This afternoon, a few uni friends and i were sitting in the SCBE office, talking cock again. It was a nice place to hide during a hot weather. =) We started to talk about INSTEP, GIP and blah blah. Apparently, quite a few of them were rather interested but hesistant about going overseas exchange due to the high cost. Although the Uni allows a loan up to $3000, many were still quite hesistant cos the money might still be insufficient to last for a semester in a overseas uni and the repaying part after graduation.

As the tuition fees gets more expensive, imagine the debts we would be in after graduation. If you have taken up a computer loan plus tuition loan ( from the bank) plus a NTU loan, there is a shit load of debts (plus interest) we need to repay. sigh. If you have gone for GIP, another loan taken up and another debt added on. *shrugged*

Its scary to think about that now. I have even heard of people who needs to repay thier study debts and do not have enough to support the family. If everyone is slogging so hard to repay their debts after graduation, how can gahmen expect anyone to start a family early rite?

p/s: Just receive an e-bill for misc. fees. Feel like paying for the services that i am not using at all. For eg, Health services ( $26.25) ?! Why am i paying for a service even though i am not consulting the school clinic? Dumb.

LASTEST UPDATE: The shuttle bus fee (used to be 20cents per ride) is now covered under misc fees (amenities) of 12 bucks per sem. Another service we paid for not using. So everyone sh0uld start using Shuttle service from now on. Hm.. you need to take 60 rides per sem to make your money worth.


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