Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Nua nua

Guess what I have in common with this failed Bread and Butter Pudding? We are both equally nua.

Last week, I was so bored at home that I decided to try my hand on baking Bread and Butter Pudding. It was a terrible failure as seen from the picture above. Apparently too much milk and too little eggs were been added to make the custard, so the final product looked more (but dun taste) like the steamed milk custard from Ah Chew's dessert. Nua nua... eeew. It's a virgin attempt. So will try again.
This week, I am feeling damn nua and highly irritable when it comes to camp stuffs. Everything seems to be very unsmooth and I dont know what on earth is those "higher authority" doing. I asked boss (CP) for manpower allocation list but she cant churn out for me. She can only reply an estimate of 40 to 50 people turning up for senior camp excluding programmers. So now my programmers dont know what they going to do in camp. Yesterday afternoon, the logistics officer called me 5 times to confirm the log list. Everytime he called, I did ask him whether anything else need to confirm and he said no. 5 mins later, i got a call from him again. (%^&*#!) But he is new and kinda inexperienced, so can be forgiven. This morning, one of my programmers, "Casper" (I think we should change her nick to that of Casper's uncle, the fat one.. what's his name?) smsed to argue with me over the meeting time. Asked her yesterday whether she is free on Wed afternoon and she is quickest to reply that she is free. (#$%^*) This "Casper" has been giving me a hell load of problem and CP just say let her be. Yah. All thanks to my boss for puting her in my group. ($%^#$!) Moral of the story? Think thrice before you ever want to do planning for a camp and think of who's your boss.
Grrrr.. I dont want give a damn about the camp anymore. Anyway I will be flying off to Bangkok again soon via Swiss Air. Woohoo... cant wait. Maybe when i am back, I wont be nua like the failed bread and butter pudding again. Wahahaha!
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