Saturday, July 15, 2006
Happy XX Birthday Jul!!!
I was looking very forward to tonite outing after since IA started for 5 days. We have decided to make it a point to have a Friday Datenite once every fortnight to update each other about all those happening during our IA and gossip, more gossips as usual. Tonite topic was still talking the same old outrageous horrifying camp stuffs and all those "unhappenings" in a chronological manner. Not forgetting to mention, we invited Waiman as our VIP to discuss all these with us. Well, we have quite a few good laughs at MR and MRS LOG. (Thick-skinned like tree bark, Can only think straight...Perfect match in Heaven...) and we even suspected that there's some redenvous during the camp between them. Muahaha... Well.. thank god I wun see them for the next 6 months.Besides it's our first Friday Datenight, we were also celebrating Ms Jul Jul's Birthday. She would have gladly preferred us not to reveal her age. Jul Jul has always taken good care of us (that's why she is the welfare officer for camp.) and of cos, never fail to crack us up with her accidental jokes. But we all love her wor. May all her many wishes come true and hopefully she will take good care of her health too. =)
Oh yeah. Thanks man... Jul send me a "muackz" over msn during office hrs today... wan me to die izzit?

Our dearest Juljul's Birthday.... she is xx years old now. but sometime she behaved abit like xx years old. So hopefully she will behaved like a xx year old adult. hahaha..=X
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