Cat Angel
A mutant cat... with wings...

Granny Feng's tom cat has sprouted two hairy 4ins long wings, reports the Huashang News. "At first, they were just two bumps, but they started to grow quickly, and after a month there were two wings," she said.
Feng, of Xianyang city, Shaanxi province, says the wings, which contain bones, make her pet look like a 'cat angel'.
Her explanation is that the cat sprouted the wings after being sexually harassed.
"A month ago, many female cats in heat came to harass him, and then the wings started to grow," she said.
However, experts say the phenomenon is more likely down to a gene mutation, and say it shouldn't prevent the cat living a normal life.
Pirates of the Caribbean 3

The pirates are back again! Urps.. Welcome to Singapore!
Watched the almost 3 hours long Pirates of the Caribbean 3 yesterday. Capt Jack Sparrow is still as funny.. and very "schizophrenic" this time round. However, I found it to be less entertaining than the previous 2.
Stupid me. I didnt stay till the end of the credits. Does anyone know whats at the end? Anyway... that's most likely another hint to the next sequel.. even though pretty obvious hints have been given towards the end of the movie.
Shrek 3 will be the next on the must-watch list! hehe...
Labels: Movies
NS Song
Here's a interesting vid to share. All the guys who went through "National Slavery" can relate to what's in the song.Sorry if the video doesnt fit properly. But enjoy the vid!
Laptop Skin
Heh. Finally got my laptop skin from Garskin after a long 3 months wait. It was not supposedly that long wait... if not because of many screwed-ups along the way. Firstly, the guy at the shop (not the shop doing up the skins but one of their distributors) took the wrong measurement of my laptop. So... after about 3 weeks i paid a deposit at the shop, this nice guy (M) from Garskin called me to make an arrangement to meet up with me personally to re-do the measurements again. Unfortunately, I was too busy to meet him up personally, leaving this for my Sky to settle it for me.Hell... so after another dunnoe how many weeks later, the guy from Garskin informed us to collect it at the shop where we paid our deposit. Lugging my heavy laptop there.. only to discover that they mixed up the serial no. of the design and gave me a wrong design instead! Brrrr... so we demanded a $20 refund of the deposit we paid. The stupid shop charged us $49 while the direct order from the Garskin website only cost $39! #$%*)
So.. in the end.. we decided to order direct from Garskin instead. and Ta-dah! It was finally ready and the nice fella from Garskin met us personally to help us stick on the skin. heh. Guess what... all this were done at a price of..... $0!! Freeeee!!! heh. M told us that cos they admited fault on their part and decided to give this for free.. heh. Save me my 39 bucks... keke.
Pretty pretty...This design is known as the "Night Blossom".

The interior of the laptop.
Labels: Personal, Technology
After Exams
The smell of Freedom.... the smell of North Indian Cuisine....Thurs was the last day of exams.. (actually 5 of us have our exams ended one day before and enjoyed the after-exam meal at Amoy St. ). and we have all gathered for a meal at this North Indian Restaurant at Riverwalk (situated at opposite Central, Clarke Quay). Heh.. ages since we have some nice decent meal...
This North Indian Restuarant offered buffet dinner with about 12 main dishes + Naan + a few side dishes. Many of us have not eaten North Indian Cuisine before... it's considered somewhat a special "exotic" meal we were having here besides the usual hawker fare or normal western meal we normally go for. This is definitely not my first taste of North Indian food. I tasted my first piece of naan dipped in spicy piping hot Chicken masala at the Sim Lim Square Foodcourt. From then on, I have become quite a fan of North Indian cuisine. This restaurant served cheap and affordable buffet lunch and dinner. We only paid about $15 per person for the buffet.
We'r ready to dig in! (The drink in pink is known as Strawberry Lassi. It's their Yoghurt drink but taste nothing like the usual yoghurt drink we bought from supermarket. It has a strong cheesy taste instead.)
Sambal Chicken, Tandoori Chicken and some Fish curry of sort..Take more gravy for the naan!

The naan. Comes in 3 varieties. Plain, Butter and Garlic. It was made by sticking the dough on the side of a large stone/clay pot, heated up by burning charcoal. Less oil (more healthy) and thicker than their cousin Prata. Eat it while it's hot!
Big Fans of Naan...
Food Galore!
Time for desserts! No no no... this is not the chinese Tang Yuan. This dessert is known as the Milk Ball in Honey syrup. Not advisable to consume more than one especially for people who have low threshold for sweetness. I think it's too sweet for my liking either... tend to get sick after a few more bites of these milk balls.
If you feel the need to freshen up your breathe after the heavy meal, the waiter will offer you this plate of green or colourful grains. Grab abit and chew them in your mouth. It contains some herbs to get rid of the smell.. and urh.. you will have this " bathing foam in your mouth" kind of feeling in your mouth.Labels: Food, Friends, Fun
Happy 22nd Birthday to Xin!Our dear ger finally turned 22 on the 10 April! heh. And her birthday "heng heng" fell on the week of presentation and report deadlines. But still... we managed to surprise her with Botak Jones and the cake. We had a tough time planning, equally tough to get the plan executed.
Time for birthday wishes! (" Wish for a bf who knows Fortran?") hehe.
I love this picture. Actually who doesnt? hehe. Anyway, all the pictures were taken by a webcam in the school comp lab. See.. we have made such good use of the school facilities. (eh.. we got pay school fees one leh.)
We love the school.. 's webcam ! Heh.Before I end off... Would like to wish Happy belated birthday to another April Baby. Hehe. Happy 22nd Birthday to meimei! Labels: Birthdays, Friends
I am back again! Finally a long hellish-nightmarish-ultra-disgusting semester was over! Although it had been really tough for the past few months, I'm glad that we had all pulled through ... together.These blog has been collecting plenty of dust and really inactive these months. Since the start of 2007, No time for blogging. Only time for typing reports. Sigh, Think I have never typed so many reports in my whole of schooling life. Just change my blogskin. Damn cuckoo.. (i mean me!) Brrr... I forgot to save all those links to others' blogs from my old template. So.. pls leave your blog address in my tagbox. Thanks! More posts coming up soon! Urps.. I just realised that this blog is best viewed with IE. (It looks really sucky when viewed with Firefox. heh.)