.: Revenge of the sith i watched! :.
Today, i finally get my chance to watch my Star Wars! Pardon me if i've begun speaking like
Yoda. (Lord Sidious's "my little green friend") and May the force be with you...........
Compared to episode 1 and 2, this is of course the better one. Not a huge Star Wars Fan i am. (ehh.. i better not followed Yoda's way since gahmen wants us to speak proper engrand..opps... english) But at least, i has done some readings about Star Wars and know who's the good and who's the bad.
In this episode, now i know why Darth Vader has to be clad in that black suit and mask. He is afterall about 50% scrapped metals and the rest of his remaining body kinda melted/deformed/disfigured. And since he is barely half alive inside that suit or that suit is too thick and bulky that it's suffocating him inside, that might be a reason why he is always breathing so heavily behind the mask..

If only Darth Vader is that cute.. i might have love him to bits and join the dark side.. muahaha!
.: SteamBoat @ Marina :.Finally.... S23 once again has another class outing. This time, surprisingly, was initiated by Sharon and Zhijian. They do deserve a big thanks for making a rather successful one since they managed to get 15 people coming. Usually, the guys are mia.
(except Tian Hong, who is always "surrounded by girls".. uhhuuummphh..)
We went to Marina South to have a steamboat gathering this time. The restaurant that we went to didnt have a wide selection of food to choose from. But, everybody still seems to enjoy the steamboat gathering. Besides eating, there were also lots of gossiping, debating, arguing and bickering at the table. Topics like marraige and religion, "whether you are attached or not?" (only brought up specifically by Auntie Chin.), updates on Monica, FOC camps, Fright night, the very rude Indian woman security guard, scholarships... and many many more. Our class always starts some endless strings of debate and spark off arguments. (Nah.. not to the extent of flipping tables of course..)
Looking forward to our next gathering and that absolutely has to be a mahjong session. haha. We agree on having a mahjong session at the end of every semester. But the mahjong session has to be later as we have to wait for the return of Sai Zhen and Jiamin. But still, i am looking so bloody damn forward to it. muahaha.. *hands itchy*
Sitting down (from the left): Ah teck, Ck Tang, Zhijian,Jeffrey,Yinkum
Standing (from the left): Valarie, Xiangyun, Cindy,Cherry,Sharon,Weina,Mung, TianHong, Juan and Mei.

Getting ready!!!! Spreading the butter and start cooking the meat.

(from the left:) Sharon, Sharon, Sharon.. Lolx
.: teh peng my loVe :.Whenever i have my meal at a Kopitiam, i will usually order my usual drink, teh peng. It is damn shiok to drink a cup of teh peng especially when the weather is so warm in Singapore. But a strange thing is that i never order teh peng before when i am eating at a food court. (Maybe i did but i cant remember.) Just feel that "teh peng" is such a kopitiam language and so i find it weird ordering teh peng in food court.
One day, I was having a foc meeting cum dinner at Suntec food court and i have a sudden craving for teh peng. so i went to the drink stall to order teh peng. Staring at their menu board for the price of teh peng for so long, but there wasnt a single sighting of it. Now, it made me unsure if the food court's drink stall has teh peng on their menu. But thinking twice, there was hot coffee/tea sold there and i looked around." Duu... got ice mah, should have ice milk tea rite? ice+ hot tea+ milk = teh peng" Finally it was my turn to order.
Me: " Auntie, one teh peng"
Auntie: " Sorry, here we dun sell teh peng one hor. "
Me ( puzzled) : " Huh?! Dun have? eh then give me ice lemon tea lah. "
Soon, another friend come back to the table. She also tried to order teh peng like me.
Friend: " eh so qi guai, they sell hot tea. Never sell cold one.. so qi guai. Just put ice can liao mah. then she say is sold at the other stall.."
I wonder how many times that auntie has to repeat " no teh peng sold here" in a day. haha.
I guess i taken things for granted. if got ice + milk tea , that does not mean they sell teh peng. sigh.
.: Pic from CBE Tea Party :.This is a nice picture of my foc committee, taken at the CBE tea party at Meritus Mandarin 2 weeks ago. Peeps.. Let's work hard for the camp!!! Yipee...

CBE FOC event committee 2005
.: BAN HIM FR TV FOREVER!!! :.You must be wondering which him i am talking about. He is a nortorious male equivalent of media whore, Bai Ling but unfortunately, he is only very well-known in Singapore, Malaysia and some say Batam. And.. last and not all.. he loves to appear in his
Yellow underwear.
If u thinking of *
Steven Lim*, binGo!!!
Currently there is an ongoing
petition to ban him from appearing Singapore TV. ( Thanks Mung for the Url!) and the comments about him is damn funny. Yesh.. and now is a chance for many Singaporeans (including me) trying to go trash his dream of getting a mediacorp acting contract.
His attention-seeking tactics are really going to the extremes. Out of curiousity, i went to his website. And horror of the horror, is the worst website i ever been to. Nabeh.. Never seen such a SLUTTY GUY..! Argh. *Puke*
So people who do want him banned eternally from TV, do go and sign the petition. =)

The self proclaimed HUNK?! * Faint*
.: Whadssup?! :.It's nearing to the end of May now and I am lying dead on my sofa soon on rotting. *patting away the dust on me.. "cough"!* Currently I am still unemployed, poor as a church mouse, miserably stuck at home and still having that darn sore throat (shd be recovering soon.) I wanted to go swimming just now but the weather wasnt looking too good. Wanted a nice tan as well.. i just dont want to be "pale in comparison" with others. =P
Guess i can onli go swimming tmr. =(
Beside lying on bed collecting dust, i will be sitting on the sofa in the living room, with my laptop zuo bo-ing on the net. Park on msn. Look at people's blogs. Watch spoofs. ( I got one good spoof to recommend here though.
STORE WARS. Needless to say, you know it's star wars spoof again.). Even before i started on watching Star Wars episode III : The Revenge of the Sith, i am already watching too much of the spoof thing. Oh not forgetting, i am also watching A Date with Vampire 3. Watching the first 2 episodes, too much computer effect and as for the plot.. i "catch no ball". -_-!!!
.: The ER Bag!:.If you have been to Carrerfour recently, you might have noticed this ER bag on sale. It's the EMERGENCY READY bag!!! Something which you cant leave your house without in the case of emergency, like fire, earthquake(?). One bag is suitable for a family of four. When i look at the contents inside, i dunnoe whether that is crappy or just brilliant?

The ER Bag.. Something you mustnt leave ur house without!!!

Some of the stuffs in there? The red colour is the first aid kit, a mini torch light, a pack of candles....

See the rest of content? interesting.....
.: Happy 20th Birthday to Sistahs!:.
Happy 20th Birthday to my 2 dearest sistahs.. Dawn and Shan! Finally I wont be alone in the "Club of 20s" with my 2 Sistahs turning 20 now. Haha... This year, Shan gotten a "red car" (hopefully she can have fun driving her new car.) and on top of that, we also gotten 2 bottles of "rosewater" body lotion wrapped in a very colourful box. As for Dawn, according to her, the pink tote bag from bloodbrosprojectshop is so far the "most decent" present she ever gotten from us. Is a cool pink bag, neither too big nor too small. Good enough to stuff her stuffs in i hope.
We had dinner at Crystal Jade Kitchen. Poor Shan, she had a hard time finding out what to eat from the menu ( or even modifying the meal into a vegetarian meal) as she is a vegetarian. In the end, she ordered a plate of plain dry noodles. It was just a lump of wanton mee with a pathetic piece of veggie on it. And she has to add in some soy sauce for seasoning.
After dinner, we all WALKED to Dawn's house (at River Valley Road) which is about 15 to 20 minutes walk from taka. Ying and Shan were complaining (as usual..) and making so much noise as they walked in the rain, sharing that very small umbrella. Sometimes, Dawn and I just cant help feeling embarrassed by the two noisy ones. sigh.
It has been a long long time that we have been to Dawn's place. Her house used to be one of our favourite hideout when we all were in SC. Still remember the times we played playstation, DDR at her house. And of course, our first "BBQ in the rain".. haha... and stayover at her house as well. I miss those days.

(From left) Shan, Ying, Dawn, Juan joining forces again!
After the present opening, we decided to watch VCD.. and guess what we watch..
Nightmare in Elm Street.. *Gasp in horror* Alright alright, the show wasnt that scary compared to what the horror movies we have on screen today. In fact, the horror effect turned up to be rather comical but still as bloody and gruelsome.

The bag ger and The Body Lotion Ger. Spot that teeny weeny red car? Cool huh?!

Their birthdays are driving me mad.....
.: A painful week :.It has been a reallie sickly week for me and i have not being able to do a lot of things. I should have smacked myself for snacking on my sister's toberone at night. The next morning, i got a slight sore throat. Then at night, the throat imflammation set in and i was soon down with a fever for a whole night till the next day. Of cos the throat was reallie so painful that i dint even want to swallow my saliva. Tried many "remedies" like drinking honey, eat ice cream or even yi du gong du (poison counter poison) -- eat fried stuffs. So anybody got any better remedies to cure the sick momo?
And yesterday, the bacteria from my throat become evil again. Attack my nose and ears. My nose was feeling stuffy and my ears was a little bit blocked. Soon, i was down with a bout of flu. Bloody hell.
By the way, today is my mei's 20th birthday. Finally as old as i am.
Happy birthday,
Shan! =)
.: Middle Finger on Lala's head:.If you wonder who is lala, then you must have forgotten about the Teletubbies.
Tinky Winky: The purple one- who was thought to be a gay cos "he" always carries a red handbag. Dipsy : The Green one- His face always black black and Known to be the dumbest among them. He's straight.
Lala : The yellow one- The very cheery and bubbly one.
Po : The red one- The youngest and the smartest. always like to ride on the scooter and speak cantonese. yes.. cantonese man!
From far, dont you think that the antenna of Lala on the kiddies ride looked like someone pointing middle finger? haha..

see the similarity? (paiseh.. i am not pointing middle finger at you. just for illustration purpose.)
.: HolidayS update :.It has been 2 weeks since the end of exams. Now, i am looking for a job but currently no news from anyone yet. Even my agent said that currently there is no short term job. sigh. If i continued to be jobless, my bank account will really run dry. *worries* V sian 1/2 to find a job. Everytime i look at job classified, they either want someone that can work at least 6 months or someone with 1-2 years experience in particular job sector. If not, they want someone "pleasant-looking" especially for sales.
(Discrimination!) So, anybody got lobang help k?
Been running around this few days as well. Attending CBE FOC meeting, shopping, went cycling at East Coast, went to agency and today, my boy has fallen ill from stomach flu. Went with him to Sim Lim Square get his splitter( for his comp.) and then off to the Woodlands Polyclinic.
When we reached the polyclinic, the queue was relatively short compared to the morning peak hours. However, the waiting time was still damn long, a long 40 mins wait just to see that face of the Doc. After registrating at the counter, we went up to the second level to go to the consultation room. Outside the consultation room, there was this odd-looking fella who smiled at me as if he knows me. And when he entered the room, he turned around and looked at me, smiled and waved at me! So i suspect this fella must be abit the mentally unsound and that's creepy. Phew! Thank goodness he didnt do anything funny when he came out. If not i am going to give him a F***ing good kick in the ass.
After a while, it was finally his turn and he was almost lying dead on the chair. About 5 minutes later, he came out, complaining to me that the Doc was very niao. The Doc refused to give him a 3 days MC and also reluctantly gives him a referral letter to the hospital. His ears has been frequently blocked these days but the doc claimed that his ears are "super clean" and nothing wrong with his ears. So he has to persuade the Doc to give him a referral letter to SGH's ENT clinic.
Now, i have to start working on the FOC proposal and of cos, start thinking about how to celebrate my 2 sistas' birthday.. When my inspiration hits again, hopefully can write up on something new again. =) Just keep a lookout k?
.: Living in 48 - Something i hate a.bout hall living :.48. Block 48, Hall 9.
That's where i have been living for the past err... 4 months. Compare to many hostelites, my stay in hall is very short. ( my roomie's even shorter.) Yesterday, i went back to bring back all my stuffs home. That includes two big bags, one ultra thick and heavy chem textbk, one TV and one printer, one pillow and blankets. Hurl them into a cab and drag them home...Looking back, i kinda miss those days in hall
excluding the bugs, xiao qiang and lizard. True, there are many wonders of living in a hall ( can escape from parents' constant nagging/can wake up late/socialise and make more friends/can eat tidbits like nobody's business/learn to be independent etc. blahblah blah blah....) but hall living aint perfect either. When it comes to halls, heng/suay factor comes in.
if u heng heng enough, u stay in good halls with good location, good food, great conveniences, right lesley? =) THE TOP Horror of the horrors !!!#1 You realise that the neighbour living upstairs is the last person you ever want to see aka your "enemy". A lot of effort you have to put in just to avoid this
pain in the ass/keep him in the dark that he just lives the same block as you. But there will alway be a v unlucky day when you will meet him at the bus stop and he might even volunteer to help u with ur bag and laptop. *grr
#2 The
Creepies Crawlies..are such a common sight in every single corner( especially in hall 8-hall11) . "Xiao qiang" the cockroach and his good pals, lizards may sometime come into the room to pay you and your roomie a surpise visit.
Then u will see your roomie screaming and jumping from bed to bed, armed with a rolled-up newspaper, ready to kill it with one blow. Beside your room, there are also big fat lizards lying on the wall at the corridoor to "greet" you. There is also lot of weird-looking-you-cant-really-tell bugs in the bathroom that refuse to fly away even if you spray water on it and worse! During rainy days, the water flies ( a swarm of them) will be hiding in the bathroom waiting for you. eew.
The rainy weather. Yes. Do remember to bring in your washed clothes! Sometime, the weather decides to play you a trick while you are not in hall. Guess my neighbours got so sick about getting their clothes been "washed" the second time by the weather that they decided to let the weather "washed and dried" their clothes for many days.
#4 Beside the occasional Live firing near the forrested area,
Noisy neighbours who make a whole load of dins at night and almost every single night without fail. Some of them might be having a few booze inside their rooms and screaming and partying away or you-know-what-on-earth-they-were-doing-and-i-shant-mention-any-further.
btw, have i mention that Nanyang Mart starts selling condoms already? woops.#5 The
dirty, sticky, oily pantry.. ooh yucks! The microwave oven are filled with grease and look horrifyingly black. I even heard horror stories before about how guys who want to dry their shoes quickly, chuck their shoes into microwave oven for a few rounds and let the microwave oven do the DRYING. eeewww. So i never touched that before.
#6 When first entering your hall room, you might find yourself choke by the huge amount of
dust. *Cough* That's thick layer of dust covering almost every inch of your room. And the dust accumulates very fast too. *Cough cough* And that dust mite infested bed. wooh..
#7 The bloody Hot Singapore weather can make your room a suana. The ceiling fan, even at its highest speed, is not enough to cool you down and worse, it even blows hot air at you! *grr Unless you are rich kid that can get a air con into your hall... woah... Lucky Ass!
#8 Thinking about what to have for
lunch/dinner can be a headache sometime and to a fussy eater, that is even a greater headache. Sometime you feel like eating from your fave stall at a far far away canteen, but the thought of walking for a long distance just turns you off. And the canteen nearest to your hall sucks big time. Maybe is best to stay in your own room and have your instant noodles feast.. Dig in! Yea. Kinda unhealthy..but what to do? We lives in a "instant" world where every food can be "instant-fied".

The stressful bunny hanging onto my hall room's door.
May 07, 2005 Electric New paper
WoDiscoverer: Adam
Atomic mass: Accepted as
53.6kg but can range from 40kg-200kg
Occurance: Copious quantities in all urban areas.
Physical properties:
Boils at nothing, freezes with no known reason.
Bitter if incorrectly used.
Found in various states, ranging from virgin metal to common ore.
Chemical properties:Absorbs great quantities of expensive substances.
May explode without warning.
Most powerful
money-reducing agent known to man.
Common uses: Highly ornamental.Can be a great aid to relaxation.
Potential hazards:
Highly dangerous, even in experienced hands.Illegal to possess more than one.
General advice: Avoid contact wherever possible as cures can be expensive!
.: EXAMS ovEr!:.
Woops! I admit this post was abit the late. See that happiness beaming from everyone's face? Yes.. exams fever is finally over on Fri, 29th Apr! Phew! Finally, been waiting for these days to be over. We went chilling out at Suntec area. Well.. initially we wanted to lunch at
Kushinbo but seem like we are just too late for the lunch buffet. (There goes my sashimi! SOB)
When exams started, you laments that
you are tired/no time/braindead and dying for it to end soon cos you wan to have a break. But when exams over, you realise that you got nothing better to do at home. Hah! When you have too much free time on hand, there is a tendency to
think about the grades you are gg to get for exams ( ARGH!)/ lie in bed feeling nua/go out and splurge/blog nonsense like what i am doing now.
**Btw FYI, the results will be release on the 20 may after 1pm and pls check if u have owe the school any money k? Even if u owe them even a single cent, please do remember to go pay up at office of finance k? 
At Citylink's Pacific coffee. Big comfy sofa, Nice bright lighting, Odd tasting Juices and ....5 pretty Gers.

On the escalator! (from the left: Beverly, Jingmin, Lixin, Juan, Sotong, Yeling, Piggy wiggly )

Lunch at N.Y.D.C ( From the left: Lesley, Jingmin, Beverly, Yeling, Jul, Piggy Wiggly, Sotong, Juan, Eleanor, Lixin, Winnie)
.:REVAMP FOR A FRESH NEW LOOK!:.Finally revamp my blog for a brand new fesh look! Took me quite a long time to choose a nice and simple blogskin, edit the template here and there, redo some of my posts to fit nicely. =)
Of cos, there is more editing to do. Just hope i got the time..Okie... juz look out for more future entries.