.: I am a Darn Impulse Shopper! :.I took a
"What type of Shopper are You?" test. and the test result shows that I am a
impulse shopper. Well.. there is some truth to it, considering how much i contribute to Singapore's economy during this year's GSS. >_<
Things that i "remembered" buying(
inclusive my mother's sponsorship):
1) White "biella italia" Fila Bag
2) Grey Nike sling bag
3) 2 X Freshbox T-shirts
4) 2 X
PMK Tees (
one for myself & one for bf)
Square Cut Levis Jeans6) Retro earrings
Amore Fitness package membership8)
Purple and white Nike Dri-fit tank top9)
Black Nike slack10) Pink Nike Yoga sphag top
Formal Long sleeve Black blouse (for work)12)
Formal knee length skirt(for work)13) URS one inch white heels "pointy"
Embriodery Set ( Dont Laugh! yah yah.. i am trying to learn to be demure okie?)15) MNG denim short skirt
16) The list might go on.... >_<
.: Great workout :.I just burnt about 800 calories yesterday at the kickboxing class and at the gym. The kickboxing class was quite intense but fun though. Yep, And now my two arms are aching. Dunnoe if it is due to the punching movement or the pumping. Besides my unsightly two arms aching, my back muscle is also aching slightly. Compared to the other kickboxing class i went to, i think this is the toughest one. haha..
After finished our kickboxing class, we went on for a 10 minutes gym. Cindy and I were in a total daze after workout and thus, we were lost in the compound.
(It's our first time there also mah!)Silly us.. I went to sit at the cycling machine for 10 mins. and after cycling for a good 10 mins, my bum become numb. Ouch...
Next... The hip-hop class.
.: It's Time for some KickAss workout!:.This afternoon, Cindy and I went to
Amore to sign up for a fitness package (12 lessons in 3 months). We registered for the student package at $110+ and that is the student concession rate (only for students below 21yrs old). And all Thanks to my mummy's sponsorship.
(*muack* i love my mum the best!) We are going for our first lesson this friday and yipee.. is Kickboxing!
On top of the special rate we are getting, we also got a 50% discount off our registration fee and a $50 Amore Spa Voucher. The best thing that we learned of is that if we are NTU/SMU students, we can continue our student package even if we reach 21 yrs old. Whee Whee! =P

Off to the gym !
.: Ouch!:.This morning, i was awaken by a call from Kelly Services Agent. This guy informs me about a 9 days assignment, earning about 500+ bucks. The assignment is for some Hang Ten roadshow at Northpoint ( Good! I Love it. It's near my place!) and the working hours is from 930 am to 1030 pm ( super long working hours!) from 27 June to 5 Jul. But i got camp on the 6 Jul! Given such long working hours, i cant possibly go attend any FOC meeting and the assignment ends on 5 Jul! =( A day before my camp and surely there's quite a lot of things to be settled before the camp. Wheregot the time?! On the other hand, i want to work so badly and need the cash. Sigh. Seems like i have to give it up after all.
Come and think of it, 500+ may seems quite a lot. But working for 9 days conseq is killer. There is once i work 8 days straight and i almost die from exhaustion. -_-! The Hang ten job requires you to fold clothes and answer enquiries, very basic sales job. And the worse thing is i dont know how to fold my clothes properly, so how do u expect me to take up the job anyway? Haha.
Anyway, i still need a short term job for somemore cash. So anyone got lobang must tell me hor.
I am poor. Barely enough to feed myself
(and go for my retail therapy) . =(
.: Interesting signboard :.I was hanging out at Bugis when i saw this signboard which i thought looks reallie interesting. A cute Pic of Sotong's relative..Dr optopus n his occupation... Bet Sotong didnt even noe about this.

That's the purple Optopus.. Didnt Know Optopus are so obsessed with clean white teeth.

Dr Optopus's Dental Clinic in Rochor
.: Back to the working Society :.Only for four days lah.Today was my first day of work. It was just a short term assignment at the
BroadcastAsia and Communic Asia Exhibition at the far far away east (to me) , Expo. Well.. this exhibition is not open to anyone and is only for those "traders". The whole show starts from hall 1 to hall 6. This morning, i have to report at 8 and i had to leave home at 615. Damn. The last time i ever left house ever so early was the time i went for my grading and i have to crawl out of bed at 530.
For these few days, i have been thinking of the fastest route to Expo. =) Below are some of the possible route from my house to the expo.
Route 1: Walk for 15 mins, take 960 to Bugis, Hop on the train to Expo.
Route 2: Take 187 to woodlands, change to 168 and drop at Tampines, Hop on the train to expo.
Route 3: Take 187 to woodlands, change to 168 and drop at Bedok, Hop on the train to expo. (Bedok is one stop from Tanah Merah.)
Route 4: Take a bus to Choa Chu Kang and take a train all the way to expo.
I have tried route 1 this morning and via route 1, i can reach expo hall 1 at 745. Just 1hr 30mins.
I have tried route 3 on the way back. And damn, i reach home in 2 hours time!
To avoid peak hour jam on PIE/BKE, i will take the train all the way to expo from CCK but that would mean i spend more on transport since i got bus concession.
I either spend more to get there faster or spend less to get there slower. Nothing is perfect.
At the exhibition, I am sitting at the booth check forms for the overseas visitors. The forms are quite badly done up cos they asked alot of ridiculous questions. Guess i can only show u wat are the questions they asked in the form tmr cos i forgot to take pic of the forms. hehe.
.: Spot momo :.I was at some Art house place at City Hall. Try Spotting me? If u cant spot me, i guess u are blind.

Guess where's momo?

Now.. momo hanging on the E

Which letter momo is hiding behind?
.: Project SuperStar:.Yesterday and today, the auditions for
Project Superstar were featured. I was awfully shocked by how some of them were so desperate for stardom and so bhp. *gasped in horror!* Omg! Maybe they got to the wrong audition. Some thought that they are auditioning as clowns. Strangely, why didnt the infamous clown of Singapore, Steven Lim got featured? I guess too much TV exposure for him already and he is nothing new and interesting anymore. No more entertainment from him to the TV folks.
What really capture my attention is the 23 years old blind man,
Tan Weilian. He sang so well and his voice was overwhelming with emotions. The audiences were so touched by his singing, and that includes me as well. He brought out the feelings of I believe and "huo cai tian tang" so perfectly, almost bringing me to tears. But somehow, the cruel reality might kick in soon in this competition. The forums are speculating how far he can go in this competition. Hope he can go reallie far.
The only thing i believe is that the winner of the competition wouldnt go very far. (Maybe i might be proven wrong later.) Nobody has reallie got that X-factor. If no X-factor, how to surpass Yanzi's popularity in the first place although the voice is great?! And based on many such previous competition, the winner just cut an album and then become mia. Extremely short shelf life and thier albums might be seen selling at discounted $4.99 at HMV soon. Normally, Singaporean Singers get famous overseas first before their names were ever heard in Singapore. So afterall, such competition just gives a short glimpse of glamour and that's the end.
.: No more Cartoon movies during June school hols For me :.
Why I shouldnt watch cartoon movies during June School Holidays again?1) Some obasan (They bring their kids for movies.) cut my queue at the ticket booth. Think you at the market buying fish? *pissed*
2) Some obasan trying to bring in thier kids for free movie. Think you can bluff the ticket collector your kid is below
90 cm? In the end, they block the entrance when they were arguing about the height, resulting in a human jam.
3) The kid in front of me cant sit still. She kept turning her head and faced me, waving Hi and i hv to keep telling her to see the cute cute penguins/lion/zebra/monkey in front. And they cant stop wriggling up and down in their seats.
I guess i was very very wrong to think that it is easier to get seats in the weekdays. I totally forgot that it is the June School Holidays! Feel stupid. If it is not the June School Holidays, why am i watching Madagascar with my youngest sister? *slap my forehead* if you know wat i mean.I rushed to Causeway Point at 2, thinking that there shouldnt be a problem getting the seats for 2.25pm show. I gasped in horror when the screen flashed
" Selling Fast --- Madagascar 2.25pm" repeatedly. i gasped in greater horror when i saw so many papas and mamas bringing thier kids standing at the candy bar. I knew i was late.
So end up, i brought my sister to Bishan's J8
(An excuse to shop later since i long time nv been there already. hehe) We caught the 3.20pm show and it was indeed very traumatising to see so many kids and babies there again.
.: The Cutest Penguins Gang :.Yes! They are the ones that capture my heart and steal the limelight of Madagascar! In the movie, they are plotting to escape from the NY central zoo to thier hometown in Antartica since it is "not natural" for penguins to appear in the concrete jungle. Somehow, in the later part, they seized the ship that is supposed to send them away to the wild and took control of the ship to travel back home... *Nope.. i shant contd anymore.
Arent they the Cutest, Dumbest-looking Penguins in the world? 
Talking about penguins, i remembered an article i read last year about somehow about
gay penguins. Haha.. Aint they such a cutie? =P wahaha
.: A long lost Friend :.Today, i received a Friendster message in my inbox. When i look at the sender's name, it gives me a great surprise. It was a message from a long lost primary school friend whom i have not contact/seen for many years. I found one last year. (or rather he found me.) This year, another friend found me.
He was my primary school friend from p1 to p4 but we werent very close. Well.. he was always a v playful boy and a v fast runner too. And he always nose-bleed in class v often. I also remembered his very strict mum who constantly nagged at him, scolded him everytime when his mum fetched him to the school. That's all i remembered of him. Very Vaguely.
He asked me if i still recognises him in the message. Yah. Of cos i do. The "looks" are still there. He hasnt changed much since primary school days. When he messaged me, that feeling was really great. I am so glad that he still remembers me all these years. Sometimes, i thought i was been forgotten by some of my primary school friends. At least there are still a few out there who cant remember my name but knows that i am "
the girl with the nice handwriting". Haha..
This long lost friend of mine wasnt a close pal of mine in primary school, neither were we playmates. But he took the initiation to message me which took me by surprise. That feeling of lost and found. Besides that, there are also other ex-classmates that treat u like dirt. Even though they recognised you and you called out to them, they just "dao" at you for some reasons. That's so exasperating sometimes when they ignore ur greetings and making urself look like an idiot in the end.
.: Wat the FART?!:.I cant stand people who shoot missile at me in public area. It aint the first time already. It's many many million farting
*unintended pun* time already! That is so uncivilised! *pissed*
Today, I went "strolling" with my bf at Metro Woodlands. Dying to show him the green-black slippers that I initially wanted to buy, we walked to the shoes section. Just as we stood at one of the shoes counter, i smelled something awlful from an Auntie who walked past me.
Me:" Did u smell somebody fang pi?"Bf (sniff the air abit): " EEww.. better get to higher ground!!!"It must be that Auntie who walked past me farted!!! That is extremely
grossed, extremely
inconsiderate and extremely
uncivilised! And wat worse, it is a silent fart and a silent fart stinks more than a loud fart. That smell was so strong and "methane-concentrated" that I might black out if i stayed on at that spot for more than 2 seconds.
At least that was an open space. Imagine the horror if that was inside the lift. Sigh. -_-!
I have smelt methane gas for quite a few times in the lift before. There was even once a guy who farted just when the door is opened and quicky ran off before i could malu him. I was very stunned at what happened cos it happened far too quickly but i still found it funny. Maybe he ran off back home to LS. Sometime, the person who took the lift before me farted and left such a bad smell lingering behind in the lift, polluting the air inside the lift!
*pinch nose*