Flying off again............
Hey guys... ms momo flying off again. For those who know my whereabouts esp those from camp, pls keep your mouth shut about my trip. Anyway, if anything, please contact me via email or sms (but i might not want to reply back.) Bye! =PLabels: Bangkok, Vacation
I cant stand it anymore!
Urgh! I really cant stand it anymore. It's such an unbearable sight to see our fruits of labour going into the wrong hands. Do I pay $140 to let myself suffer under such incompetent leadership and get myself angry over all their nonsense? It's really tiring and all I want now is a good break especially the period before I go off for my IA. The senior camp really makes my blood boiled. Imagine you overheard your boss the CP says that she doesnt know what's going on for the game. Wow. Fantastic sia~! And she doesnt rise any doubts with the many updates and proposals I send her constantly before the senior camp. She doesnt know that the extra C in front of the letter P (programmer) means that she has the responsibilty to know what going on for all her events and not happily putting the whole responsiblity to the ACP in charge. Woah. There she complained that we did not have much respect for her but hasnt she still learnt that respect has to be earned? How can she expect to win our respect like this? When I saw her msn nick " You think be CP so easy meh? then u be lor.." wow.. trying to sound very victimized. Unfortunately by saying that, sadly to say she still hasnt prove her worth to us anyway. In fact, I was wondering how she feel that a CP should be. Since she has taken up the post of CP, she should happily accept the challenge and dont complain that "being CP is not easy". Damn F***ing pissed off.
Well, I dont feel any bloody excitement about the camp no more. Basically I am just going there to do what I am supposed to do. Dragging myself to go meetings at times. I wasnt happy at all. My bf told me before to quit the camp since I wasnt happy working with the main comm. (I was happy working with my subcomm though.=) aiyah. since we all zi ji ren. Haha!) But it's the responsibility thing that holds me back from quitting. Yeah.. quitting seems like an easier way out of these shit. But easier said than done. I cannot imagine what if i am stuck in this kind of sticky situation when I move on to the working society. A camp is just like a mini company, bound to have politics. I guess I just have to live with it and fight for my rights constantly.
The "higher authorities" of the camp must be wondering why are we always making so much noise almost about everything. How do they expect us to accept everything they said especially when they cant convince us to accept whatever they said? Why is it that nobody other than us dares to make the protest or are they really that accepting? Or is it that our expectations for the "higher authorities" are much higher than others because we were once the "higher authorities" and we are so-called "experienced" and they failed to meet up our expectations? Perhaps the others who doesnt complain simply bochap and we care too much about whats going on. Unfortunate for them, we all have a mind of our own instead of going "ok ok orh ok". (Sound like one person... hohoho) Excuse me, if they think we are apathetic, they are very wrong.
Now I feel like an opposition in the main comm while the rest are the PAP. Great resistance but I still have to hang on. I may have mind a lot how the rest in the main comm looks at me but I cant let them bring me down. I have to keep on fighting till the end of camp. Yeah.. expected to make a few more enemies out there but what to do? Prove to them and the juniors that we are a competent lot rather than the complaining lot who does nothing.
Nua nua
Guess what I have in common with this failed Bread and Butter Pudding? We are both equally nua. 
Last week, I was so bored at home that I decided to try my hand on baking Bread and Butter Pudding. It was a terrible failure as seen from the picture above. Apparently too much milk and too little eggs were been added to make the custard, so the final product looked more
(but dun taste) like the steamed milk custard from Ah Chew's dessert.
Nua nua... eeew. It's a virgin attempt. So will try again.
This week, I am feeling damn nua and highly irritable when it comes to camp stuffs. Everything seems to be very unsmooth and I dont know what on earth is those "higher authority" doing. I asked boss (CP) for manpower allocation list but she cant churn out for me. She can only reply an estimate of 40 to 50 people turning up for senior camp excluding programmers. So now my programmers dont know what they going to do in camp. Yesterday afternoon, the logistics officer called me 5 times to confirm the log list. Everytime he called, I did ask him whether anything else need to confirm and he said no. 5 mins later, i got a call from him again. (%^&*#!) But he is new and kinda inexperienced, so can be forgiven. This morning, one of my programmers, "Casper" (I think we should change her nick to that of Casper's uncle, the fat one.. what's his name?) smsed to argue with me over the meeting time. Asked her yesterday whether she is free on Wed afternoon and she is quickest to reply that she is free. (#$%^*) This "Casper" has been giving me a hell load of problem and CP just say let her be. Yah. All thanks to my boss for puting her in my group. ($%^#$!) Moral of the story?
Think thrice before you ever want to do planning for a camp and think of who's your boss.
Grrrr.. I dont want give a damn about the camp anymore. Anyway I will be flying off to Bangkok again soon via Swiss Air. Woohoo... cant wait. Maybe when i am back, I wont be nua like the failed bread and butter pudding again. Wahahaha!
1 week of Hell
It has finally been a week since hell has broken loose. I am referring to that damn
chicken pox of mine. For those who hasnt got chicken pox (at my age), please do get the chicken pox vaccination. It's no fun getting chicken pox at my age because there's more blisters, more serious and higher risk of complications. Not only that, it's no fun staying at home for 2 weeks, counting down to the day when you finally become non-contagious. These past 1 week, I have got great frens who showed lotsa concern for me esp Jul who called me to remind me not to scratch, and frens who msn me and sms me to take care and of cos, frens who gave me very shocked responses.
"What? You haven got chicken pox yet?!"
Tomorrow shall be my last day of quarantine at home. And I will be out on Wednesday! The recovery was much faster than I expected. Thanks to the anti-viral drugs,
acyclovir. It's super bloody expensive, costing $1/tablet and I have taken 50 of that tablets, 5 times each day at regular intervals. It's a pain to swallow tablets after tablets each day. Besides that, I was suffering from side effects the first few days. Extreme dehydration (drink so much but no pee!), weakness and tiredness. I am suffering more from the dehydration more than the itchness. But it's all worth it. I got fewer lesions in the end. Unfortunately, I broke some of my blisters (on my back) while trying to sleep. Argh! Ugly chicken pox scars.
I cant wait to go out. Really. I have not touched meat for quite some time. Everyday, I have been eating like Ah Ling. Veggies only. Sad eh? Actually I can eat anything except Seafood and dark soya sauce. But my mum refused to let me eat meat to play safe. Argh. I can only drool when I watch TV's food programmes. Boo.
Yeah!!!! I got my internship at Shell!!! I cant contain my excitement... !