Thursday, July 20, 2006

Bon Voyage

Sigh. Cant help feeling a little sad that some of my close buddies going overseas soon. Mung is going US for her attachment, Shan going over to Norway, fjm in Aussie.. sigh. Come and think of it, there wont be JC class outing anymore since our "main organiser" is flying off soon next week, with some also going for US attachment and some mia and some too busy to meet like the doc, dentist and the pharmacist.

Miss those good old days in JC and our gatherings. Remember those time we used to joke that our class can open a 02s23 medical centre. The chemical engineers can build a pharmacuetical plant to manufacture our own drugs and supply to our own medical centre, completed with docs, dentist, pharmacist and a food dietician (She is kept out from the lab since she can blow up the lab at the rate she turns on her bunsen burner.. *cough cough*). Bio-engineers can stay in the lab do research lah.

Miss those days. And bon voyage my friends! Take care! =)

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