Happy New Year 2007!
***Happy New Year to Everyone! Its 2007!***
Countdown at Marina Bay!
Wishes for 2007:
1) More Money
2) Better Exams Results
3) Less illness. No cough.
4) Cut down on the amount of unwanted fats
5) Chicken pox scars to disappear totally
6) Better project mates ( i mean those that is not my clique one) hehe. Not those eccentric one who send me funny sms. ^_^
7) Less quarelling with bf and may us be happy always.
8) Offer me a job at SEPL!
May everyone has all their wishes come true!!! :P
My Last Day
It was my last day of internship today. I have just completed my assessment presentation for GM, mentor and sup. What a great relief yesterday! This assessment presentation was freaking me out totally as I was assessed by "big shot" of the "big company". Cant feel anymore nervous than any other presentations I have done before. But glad that it all turned out well except for a "gap" which my GM and mentor wanted me to close up. This "gap" was deterimental to my future career. And my sup really wanted me to close up the "gap" well... I have come so far... from the moment I tried for a company which i thought i could have slim chance of getting into, doing something different from chemical eng... It took me so much courage. I am so glad I tried... I know if i dont try, i would never has the chance. Even if i fail, i should bear no regrets. Thank god I managed to be accepted into the company. When i know i got the internship, i was thrilled and i was jumping madly in front of my mum despite feeling sick from chicken pox. However, i was uncertain at one point of time if i made the right decision to take up something different from my discipline. What if i have nothing to write in my report? What if i got a bad grade for my IA? What if I lost touch with engine totally? There's so many what-ifs... I was glad that things turned out better than expected. I totally fell in love with what I am doing and absolutely took pride in what I have accomplished. It has been a wonderful 6 months. Nice colleagues, great (and very loud) sup, interesting project, undeniably good allowance... what more can i ask for? (maybe a job later on.. hehe)Today was my last day. Some of them give me a great big hug, shake my hands and it almost brought tears to my eyes. It has been so long that i felt this way... I was terribly touched. I was controlling my tears .. of cos. it would be damn silly to cry in front of my sup... hehe. I bought him cufflinks. As i know he gets bored during meetings and then itchy hand go touch other people's stuffs, i got him a set of cufflinks for him which he can play.. (cufflink is like some mini game) with. hehe. The more he talked to me, the more i bu she de him... and the place. muahaha... oh he also organised a farewell lunch for me at Jack's Place which quite a few people attend. Surprise surprise... my GM was there. Now i must think of how to fill up "the gap" and send an email to my mentor and GM. My future rice bowl deps on this email now. >.<
Merry Christmas 2006 (Part 2)
Xmas Celebration Part 2: JB Movie & Food Feast and Crazy Nite Out
This is the first time I am celebrating Xmas with my uni buddies. Looking exceptionally forward to meeting them cos they are always the most happening bunch of friends I have. hehe! Xin, Jul, Kel, Ling, Lun and me met in the afternoon for JB. Xin, being the "guest of honour", got the honour of being scolded by everyone for being late by 30 mins. Surprisingly, the causeway and customs were very clear and less crowded this weekend, so we managed to reach JB in less than 45 mins. Ling suggested catching a movie over at JB City Square since it's still too early to go for makan feast. In the end, we decided to watch Jay Chou's " The Curse of the Golden Flower" after a quickie lunch at Secret Recipe. Being the most typical Singaporean (except Lun but he has long gotten the Singaporean traits..) we are, we cant help gushing and exclaiming about the cheap movie tic. Their weekend movie tic cost RM 10.. which is about SGD 4. So much cheaper compared to our Weekend $9.50. Whats more the cinema is run by Cathay.. so quality of the cinema theatre is of the same standard as Singapore. Bloody worth it!Alrite. Let's talk about the movie. It's a fantastic arthouse film by Zhang Yimou and definitely worth catching (even though Jay Chou doesnt look very appealing in the movie *shrugs*). As Zhang Yimou likes to use very strong colours in his movie, this one (as the title mention) was extremely golden and glittery. So be aware of being blinded by the strong contrasting colour of the palace's interiors and Chow Yun Fatt/Gong Li's ultra glittery GOLDEN costumes! Argh *Cover my eyes*... but nonetheless, the backdrop was magnificent. The plot was easily understandable. Nothing too complicated... Gong Li's suppression as the Queen and Chow Yun Fat as the most heartless, callous, tyrannical King.. were all well-portrayed. Exception being Jay Chou again.. Cant help laughing at his face... and his futile attempt to squeeze out some emotions on his face. He just looked very off in his costumes and his moustache. *Cover my eyes*Oh and you cant miss all the girls' boobs, almost spilling out of their clothes. Damn gross when you see their boobs wobble as they walked. According to my mama, she thinks that the boobs ressembled some kids' buttock. muahaha.Late in the evening, we head off to our favourite place for a big feast: 
Look at Ling, the one who cant resist sticking her tongue out when she sees good food... even when she only sees the menu. From left: Xin, Juan, Ling, Jul

What is life w/o good food man.... hehe. We had Chili Sweet Potato Leaves, Tofu on hot pan, Deep fried baby squid, Butter Crayfish, Steamed Soon Hock Fish, Beggar's Chicken, Dou miao. yummy.. all for the grand total of about 16 SGD per person.
Unfortunately, there's no purplish dragon fruit juice but no regrets! We tried Weilun's recommendation of another fruit juice which is a mixture of 3 fruits (strawberries, plum juice and cant remember the last one). It's a helluva good drink to die for!!! Hehe. That is if you are a sucker for sour stuffs. 
How can we not pose for some photos with our favourite crayfish..... Gosh.. look at the amount of meat!Back from Msia, meet up with Les and Cehao. What's next? Xmas xchange and Bowling at Safra Mount Faber!Thinking that Safra Mount Faber would not be as crowded with bowlers like Marina Sq. Wrong wrong! In the end, we were put on the waiting list.. and it was all waiting and more waiting.... while we were waiting for our turn, we took some bo-liao pics..
Jul, Xin, Juan and Lun illustrating ε, ζ, ε, δΉ. We are good eh?
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10. No 9 cos we dunnoe how to do it. hehe.

Les, Ling, Cehao's version. Who's better?
Now finally for the Xmas xchange... hehe. After a few rounds of drawing lots... I got Cehao's Piggie bank. (actually is froggie) hehe. And lucky Ling, got my red leather card holder.... :P
Everyone gets a present! Lesley gotten Ling's pillow case, Kel gotten Xin's (?) Nalgene bottle, Xin gotten Kel's piggie tissue box cover, Ling gotten my red leather namecards holder, Cehao got Les's MUJI tibits pack. Lun gotten Jul's shoes bag. Me got Cehao's turtle piggie bank. Jul got lun's present (not bought yet). hehe.. Merry Xmas everyone!Labels: Chill Out, Christmas, Food, Friends, Fun
Merry Christmas 2006 (Part 1)
It's finally Christmas! My long awaited holiday break... after 2 hectic weeks of work and OT every night just to complete the damn project. Most things are more or less done and I can feel so much ease now. Phew. Just as I wanted to take a break, I remembered about writing Xmas card and wrapping xmas gifts! Gosh. This year was a series of celebration from 22nd to 24th December... Seems like this year Xmas was my most happening (and most expensive) ever!
22nd Dec Nite with my gal pals, 23rd Dec Nite and 24th Dec Morning with my ultra-happening Uni buddies, 24th Dec Nite and 25th Dec Morning with my boy...
So this time, the Xmas blog entries are going to break into 3 parts... flooded with pictures.
Xmas Celebration Part 1: Xmas Party at Dawn's Place
This year, Dawn invited all her friends to her house for Xmas celebration and presents exchange. I was late becos of the retail convention which was held at Changi Hotel... the really far eastern part of Singapore, took quite abit of time travelling from the east to her house in the south.
When we were in secondary school, we used to have xmas celebration at her place too. And somehow, we just loved to "challenge the weather" and BBQ in the rain! haha. I remembered it was a hilarious sight when we tried to BBQ with the plastic sheet or umbrella shielding us from the rain. This time round, we were once again challenging the weather but unfortunately it rained again. We have to move all those catered food, BBQ or half-BBQ food to the function room below and eat there.
Oh yah. Before I forgot.. Welcome back, Shan! hehe. She's finally back from far far away Norway. She deserved a great thanks for getting us all those goodies from Norway and of cos, burning me her 5GB worth of pictures from Norway (when I was just kidding with her. Opps!)

The Four Of Us: Ying, Juan, Dawn, Shan
Labels: Christmas, Food, Friends, Fun
Be There or Be Square
The day is finally here. A day which my dear table-mate, M, has always been trying very hard to remind me by sticking yellow post'it note on my monitor everyday."Dinner with Prof Y! This Sunday"And I stick the note behind the LCD screen instead. Bahh stop reminding me! Haha. Especially when she herself got trouble remembering it too. The only thing we both can remember is what he said in the emails, "Marketing girls, can you 2 plan a nice gathering for me and the 4 interns (M, Pau, SiX & me)?"Marketing girls!!! How degrading it sounds! Both M and me were dying to strangle him for calling us that. But being the usually nice and angelic girls we have always been, we decided to forgive (but nv forget) and plan the gathering.In his last email to us, "Marina Square. Lovely place. Be there or be square. :)"So we were joking if we should turn up in boxes.. :P alright. That's spastic.In order not to be late for this dinner, I stepped out of the house 1 hour earlier in case of jams at Orchard. Surprisingly, traffic was extremely smooth and I reached town in 30 mins time. Meet up with Pau and M at Marina Square's Puma Shop 30 mins before the official time. (M didnt tell SiX that we were already here). M was nagging at Pau for her revealing top and short skirt, as this might give the prof "a wrong idea". Haha!We 3 were standing there wondering where should we wait for prof Y. Just as we about to drop him a message, Pau let out a squeak which startled both of us, our dear prof Y was right behind us! Then he said, "oh hi gers, I was wondering how to contact you. :)"So we ended up at Waraku Japanese Restuarant. We took quite some time looking at the menu while waiting for SiX to turn up. We ordered drinks first. 3 of us have innocent iced green tea and plain water while... he drank Asashi Beer. SiX arrived shortly and we let her had the most honourable seat. :P hehe. The 3 of us were practising caution while ordering as..We have no idea who's paying. Dutch, He treats us, We treat him? I ordered a small yakiniku don. He was shocked and said I should order more. So he ordered a big plate of sushi. I was poking M's thighs under the table, trying to tell her "who's paying?!". The food came.. and yum yum.. From the dinner, we found out:1) Prof Y has a driving licence (A US licence converted to Singapore licence). But he has second thoughts about getting a car cos its v expensive. Plus he is living within the campus. 2) His campus apartment has 3 rooms and he is not living with anyone else.3) He is from HeilongJiang. 4) CH4242 (si le si le) 's first part would be covered by XR, then second part by him. and he claimed is not difficult. Yahrite...!5) He dont encourage doing research cos it's a tough route.It's payment time. And hehe.. he flashed out his credit card in time. He told us that he used to have quite a lot of credit cards but he had cut up most of them and left only one. Hmmm... But *phew* great relief still! His treat! hehe. :P $150 meal.... Labels: Chill-out, Food, School
For fun!

You are The Empress
Beauty, happiness, pleasure, success, luxury, dissipation.
The Empress is associated with Venus, the feminine planet, so it represents,
beauty, charm, pleasure, luxury, and delight. You may be good at home
decorating, art or anything to do with making things beautiful.
The Empress is a creator, be it creation of life, of romance, of art or business. While the Magician is the primal spark, the idea made real, and the High Priestess is the one who gives the idea a form, the Empress is the womb where it gestates and grows till it is ready to be born. This is why her symbol is Venus, goddess of beautiful things as well as love. Even so, the Empress is more Demeter, goddess of abundance, then sensual Venus. She is the giver of Earthly gifts, yet at the same time, she can, in anger withhold, as Demeter did when her daughter, Persephone, was kidnapped. In fury and grief, she kept the Earth barren till her child was returned to her.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.
Labels: Fun
Fastest Fingers!
Was chatting with A (my colleague from Finance) the other day while having lunch at Old Airport Road Hawker Centre. A who was from NTU too, started talking about the "main highlight" of uni life. Haha.. Planning timetable and subjects registration seem to have left a deep impression on her especially all those panic attacks she got from subject registration. Well.. some things will nvr change...
It's such a pain in the neck to plan timetable, especially for this coming sem. Limited PEs, "Title-seemed-v-boring" PEs, Horrible timing modules, Horrible Exams timetable and what have you... And the worse is I dont have time to plan due to work! Argh. But thanks to Xin, who updated me constantly on the changes and help me plan. hehe! Thank goodness both of us have cleared our PEs and GEs, therefore can share somewat similar timetable.
It's giving me panic attacks every now and then.. and you need extremely fast fingers (to click ur mouse).
Perhaps, beside the STARS planner, someone should really set up a timetable consultation firm. Haha.. talking about entreprenuership (dont know how to spell)....
Yeah. Its war time tmr and good luck peeps! Exercise and warm up your fingers abit yah?*Just 2.5hrs before the "auspicious hour", recieve warnings that there are other pples choosing the same lab groups as us and there are only 9 vacancies! And find out about the most popular tutorial class! and everyone seems to be panicking .. worst some not contactable/gone mia/bz to reply email to know whats gg on. *Pulling my hair off* Arghhh*Labels: School