.: It's always money again..:.This afternoon, a few uni friends and i were sitting in the SCBE office, talking cock again. It was a nice place to hide during a hot weather. =) We started to talk about INSTEP, GIP and blah blah. Apparently, quite a few of them were rather interested but hesistant about going overseas exchange due to the high cost. Although the Uni allows a loan up to $3000, many were still quite hesistant cos the money might still be insufficient to last for a semester in a overseas uni and the repaying part after graduation.
As the tuition fees gets more expensive, imagine the debts we would be in after graduation. If you have taken up a
computer loan plus
tuition loan ( from the bank) plus a
NTU loan, there is a shit load of debts (plus interest) we need to repay. sigh. If you have gone for GIP, another loan taken up and another debt added on. *shrugged*
Its scary to think about that now. I have even heard of people who needs to repay thier study debts and do not have enough to support the family. If everyone is slogging so hard to repay their debts after graduation, how can gahmen expect anyone to start a family early rite?
p/s: Just receive an e-bill for misc. fees. Feel like paying for the services that i am not using at all. For eg, Health services ( $26.25) ?! Why am i paying for a service even though i am not consulting the school clinic? Dumb.
LASTEST UPDATE: The shuttle bus fee (used to be 20cents per ride) is now covered under misc fees (amenities) of 12 bucks per sem. Another service we paid for not using. So everyone sh0uld start using Shuttle service from now on. Hm.. you need to take 60 rides per sem to make your money worth.
.: A BAD Start to school :.Sigh. Tmr is the first day of school already but i seems so unprepared! Timetable not yet settled
(all thanks to the new system that screwed up my timetable!!!), haven bought any stationaries, still desperately trying to search my room for any workable pens or pencil, the study table is still as messy, biological clock not switching back to normal, not in a mood to do anything else, still haven decide which textbooks to sell, where to find money to buy textbooks... Blah blah blah. That's so hectic. The only constructive thing that i did during the weekend was to print out my Fluid System notes, Chem Eng Maths notes and time table for the first week. I am starting to feel dizzy about the many many equations on the notes. What the heow! Wo bu xiang huo le!
.: Happy Birthday Jul!!!!!!! :.Lemme wish my dearest (Crazy) Friend Juliana Happy 21st Birthday!!! =) Just came back from her chalet at Downtown east. No pictures yet but will upload soon. All i can is good food (good caterer), good atmosphere ( just kinda smoky) and a pretty (cheerful) Juliana. Thanks for everything!
.: Bargin books! Good Bargin! :.This was what i spotted at a Popular Book Fair. Yes, it's the popular Popular Bookshop that we all go to. Sigh. Is not one sign like this. They are all over. How can we pardon a bookstore for its bad english?

This is what i saw at Popular Book Sale.
.: For them only:.It took me a long while to decide whether i want to blog that post on Monday. I would have expected things to turn up this way but somehow or rather, i feel that i should at least let your know. Even if i left your one day, you all will know what drives me to do so. (unlike the 2 morons who left us for reasons unknown.) It's pathetic that my presence can only be felt this way yet i wanted so much to know if you all are with me or not.
I admited that I sounded very harsh and offensive and when Shan tagged that she was disappointed, i have kinda regretted that I posted that entry cos i have strained my own friendship. On the other hand, I wanted to be truthful to you all. We have known each other so long as friends. Shouldnt we be open about our feelings and be truthful to one another? I was very glad that you all responded and I have gotten the attention. I disliked the feelings of being neglected. I disliked the feelings of not being able to engage with you all. I disliked being transparent among you all and left out. That feeling was awful.
There are times I feel very bad because I cant be there when you need your friends to support you. I wanted so much to help but if you are unwilling to confide in me, there is nothing i can do more than just simple consolations which you have heard millions dozen times. I wished to do more but i dont know how to. I wished to hang out with you all more. No matter how busy I am, i can make time for you all. Please, i just hope you dont assume that i was so busy that i couldnt have time to go mahjong, dinner or whatever with you all and left me all out. It will just make me feel that I am forgotten.
That is all i wanted to say... the more i say, the more mistakes. I am sorry, gers for my crankiness ( no.. is not PMS) and seriously, I dont want you three to be the last to know if i happened to die one day. Really.
p/s: If u all have read it, just dropped a message.

I feel like a bitch tis week cos SAO makes me feel like one.
.: The BlogSpy :.I am sure some might have heard or read from the papers that some companies do make use of blogs to check out on the feedback of people. They hired blogspy
(or blogstalker?) to read up blogs.
(This kind of jobs i also want. easy and relax..) Never will i thought of using this kind of method to check out on the feedback of my camp until yesterday nite when Janice
( The Professional BlogSpy) suggested it to me. It was a great idea, y not? But apparently, there is only a few blogs that i found on the yahoo. All had given very good comments in their own blog and guess we really bond them together with their group mates so well. Some were expressing their
love for...the camp duh! and their mates. There were praises for the camp's activities as well. =) At least i knoe those freshies were not bluffing me in the survey forms.
Hm.. maybe I can consider to set up an agency with a team of blogspies under me. Hm.. idea eh.
.: Mourning for my Favourite Wizard Prof:.Warning: If you are still reading your Harry Potter or have not even started, please do give this post a miss. I do not want to be labelled as a spoiler. =) An additional note: my dear Fren Janice did not heed my warning and now she regretted.
*Sob* Just finish reading the Half Blood Prince on Monday evening. I must say it was really a great book except for the ending which saddened me pretty much. Sigh. My Favourite headmaster, Dumberdore got killed by that Snape! Damn sad sia.. it is even sadder than Sirius's death in Book 5. This Book 6 is more dark and mysterious as it divulges more of Lord Voldemort's past as Tom Riddle and his horcruxes. And the half blood prince refers to that Sickening Severus Snape. But hell! I dun care.He shall be the next one who died in the next book and also that irritating Malfoy. Argh!
*Mourn for prof Dumberdore*

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. The cover is sooo cool.
.: No more Friends Forever... :.Have you ever felt been left out by your friends before? Friends whom u thought they understand you, friends whom u thought would be there whenever you need them during the darkest days, friends whom u thought would never abandon u... Abandon.. yes.. It was such a harsh word to use.. but there was no better word to replace it, i think. Capricorns are sometimes known to never keep their friendships for long. In the past, it doesnt really make sense to me. All those horoscope stuffs... just simply nonsensical to me. Unfortunately during the past 3 years, i cant deny the accuracy of this. Perhaps it applies to everybody. I dont know. Feeling isolated by my best pals was perhaps one of the worst feeling i ever felt. Loneliness is the last thing that i ever want to feel.
We used to be such good friends. We giggled about almost everything. We talked about guys, our crushes. We confided in one another when our relationships run into problem. We discussed about almost everything under the sun. Those were the happiest time which i thought will last forever. Unfortunately it was all in the past.
An unpleasant breakup changes my life and almost everything about me. A terrible heartbreak that i thought i will never recover from. During my darkest moment, i very much hoped that my best pals would understand me and the pain i was going through. But i supposed none of them did in fact. When they were enjoying the bliss of their relationship, would they have understand my pain? Afterall it was something they'd nv went through. I isolated myself from them. I had chosen this path. Who am i to blame but myself?
I isolated myself too much from them, i guess. Even if i want to reach them now, they are too far away from me. Unreachable. My presence becomes too insignificant for them. Quite sad, isnt it? When u feel that they will never regard your presence necessary anymore... Not anymore. I was forgotten afterall. No more mini gatherings, no more shopping trip, no more dinners... no more a foursome thing, no even an sms to ask u if u are free to join them. There isnt any common topic during conversation anymore. I dont know how to talk to them anymore. It is even more upsetting to know that celebrating your birthday seems to be an obligation, a chore. If so, what is the point of celebrating for me? Do i matter anymore? I am transparent to them anyway and i lost them already.
So far away. But it's the truth. Friends come and go. Now i believed in friends always, not best friends forever anymore. Finally i understand why some of my friends choose not to have best friends. It's just a big fat lie.
Random Rant....1Thanks May for giving me more FOC seniors group photos. Now i have gotten a quite a few nice shots of the group photos. Nice nice.. *Grin*
Finally i am done with the report yesterday. Phew! Guess i took quite a long time to do the report. Didnt know what they want us to write in the report. haha.. But looking at the report, i think i over crap.

A more complete pix. Everyone's tired but Happy!

More Pics.. the Seniors.. =P

i have to add this photo last min upon juliana lee's special request to be featured on my blog. haha!
.: Back from C.a.m.p ! :.
I'm finally back from our foc camp
(erm.. 2 days ago.) Sorry! I admit it is abit the late to report about the camp. I have been spending the 2 days after i came back to catch a hell load of sleeps that i missed during the camp. ^_^
Shagged but It was fun! The freshies are super enthu and they seems to have unlimited energy running around and cheering. As for the seniors, all of us almost wanted to die of exhaustion during the camp and when it comes to cheering part, seniors got a bit(or very) the lost as well. No major hiccups during the camp and almost everything runs smoothly.
During the camp ,
"5 stars accomodation" wah.. go camp wheregot so good one.. we all bunked in at hall 4 and hall 5 rooms. Pillows, pillow cases, blanket, bedsheet also provided. Even the rooms are pretty clean.
Lixin and me missed quite abit of the actions during camp. Either we are away somewhere preparing for the next events or settling the accomodation stuffs with the hall office. I was made to
triple count my pillows/bedsheets/blankets/pillowcase/keys to make sure there are correct no. of sets returned at hall 4. Mrs xxxx was very "particular" and she even wanted me to sort out the clean and dirty one and which set belongs to hall 4 and hall 6 (The laundry man delivers to the wrong hall!) and fold them neatly. After the counting, i began to hallucinate that the pillows and the blankets are floating all over me... -_-!
Caugh.t in Da A.C.T.I.O.N.S!!!Below are some of the actions captured on my camera during camp. I only managed to take a few pathetic pics. But no worries, most of the pictures are with our official photographer, Stanley and when i recieved more pictures, more will be posted up.
These are some of the pictures taken during the last nite's freshie performance at hall 15.

May and Judith get serenaded by the
tito's guys..... wahaha

The "condemned" mushroom :
Pota's performance.....

Omaha Salsa dancers! Sorry arh. Didnt take the dancing parts. Guess everyone at the camp noes why.

Mr and Mrs Smith... (from
Athena) haha.. Weina aka the Mrs Smith

The Gatsby Boys.. (from

Me and sotong again! Wah kao.. the eye bags and black eye rings

The Senior Girls! From left: Eleanor, Judith, Jingmin, Sotong Janice, Fang Yu, Xiangxin, XiaoHui. At the back: May and Charlene

Sotong and me!

see the veri shagged and disorientated Seniors on the last day of camp. =P
***When Freshie gets orientated, the Seniors become disorientated.***
.: The Great Singapore .... JAM!:.I am getting sick of travelling on the road already. Everytime I am in a hurry, i will end up getting stuck in a jam. *faint* Just on Saturday, i was stuck in 2 jams! One on PIE and one at Dunearn Road. The PIE jam was due to a traffic accident and onli two lanes out of four lanes passable. And when i thought that the jam was over and the bus is rushing at top speed, i gasped in horror to see another jam right outside SCGS. Wo de ma arh!!! Thank goodness there wasnt any jam at Scotts Road if not i am gonna cry!
Oh well, on Sunday on my way to City Hall, i was stuck again in the Jam at Orchard this time. Everyone rushing for the GSS and especially Centrepoint and John Little Area, there are always many families who come down here for "family day activities"
( Shopping and eating lor.. what else do typical Singaporean Family do on a nice Sunny Sunday rite?) There are both human and traffic jam. Now even shopping on weekend is horrifying! Perhaps, i shant complain too much. Bangkok afterall has the worst jam. haha.. I have learnt my lesson... take train better.
.: Phones Crazy part 1- My love affairs with HPhones:.I started to become phone crazy ever since the "hubbing' days. My job requires me to handle all kind of phones. From super cheapo ones to those high end data phone
(Those that i have trouble finding where to slot the battery and how to operate) I wasnt very particular about a mobile phone's function in the past cos as long as it is a Nokia phone, i will love it.
It's only when i started working, i realised that there are many hps out there better than Nokia in fact. Hence, i abandon my
N8250 (okie lah. The LCD was spoilt anyway.) and switch to a
Sony Ericsson T610. Damn! I hate that phone. First, the phone abit the slow. Secondly, it hangs quite often cos my #5 button got jammed. Thirdly, the camera sucks. So after one month, i decided to sell it and buy a
Samsung E700a instead. E700a is such a classic beauty. It is the first phone that makes me go gaga over and "die die also want to have". Although it was real expensive
(at the time when i bought it) , i simply love the classy design of the phone and of cos, the camera is good. Unfortunately, careless me has "disfigured" my poor phone. ahaha!
After E700a has sticked to me for quite some time, i thought it was time now to changed my phone. Nah. E700a is not going to be dumped. That phone has a great sentimental value to me. This time round, i wanted a Sony Ericsson. All thanks to some people tempting me with their new sony ericsson phones and sending cute stuffs via bluetooth
(and leaving me out!Booo!). And the phone I am going to get this December when my contract hits 21 months is.........

K750i. Please buy me this god damn phone for my 21st birthday!